First Generation of Animators
Fathers of Anime entered to scene. They were Ōten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kōuchi and Seitaro Kitayama. -
Pre-war productions
In this period, anime was characterized by considering topycs related to educational films for the government and propaganda for the military. Animation started to be a tool in scholastic, political and industry. -
70's decade: Reborn
Disney animators helped further developments of films of anime. Inspiration of Disney animators gived rise to mecha and its super robot subgenre. -
Golden Age came to scene
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, a most-important anime, was made during this period. The film opened doors for ambitious projects. Dragon Ball introduced the martial arts genre and became influential in the Japanese Animation industry and overseas. -
The Current Golden Age
Western streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime are increasingly becoming involved in the production and licensing of anime. In 2015, an all record-high of three hundred forty shows aired on television