animation timeline

  • first drawn animated film

    Eadweard Muybridge used sequential photographs to to analyze movement of a photo. this was before the motion picture camera was invented.(file:///C:/Users/matta/OneDrive/Pictures/Saved%20Pictures/Task%203%20Introduction%20to%20Animation.pdf)
  • first drawn motion animation

    Someone by the name of Émile Reynaud opened his popular Theatre optique in Paris. he projected the films that had been drawn on transparent celluloid. this technique was not used again until 1930.
  • opening of first animation studio

    Two people named Raoul Barré and Bill Nolan, together opened the first animation studio in New York
  • patenting of the rotoscope

    Max and Dave Fleischer (creators of betty boop) had ptented the rotoscope. this enabled animators to copy movement of live action motion by tracing filmed live action images frame by frame. doing this would take a while if you the animator wanted to make a long animation, so the animator('s) must be deticated.
  • the biggest animation company

    Walt and Roy Disney, and many other animators formed a company that dominated animation for many years. this company was later named 'Disney'.
  • first disney animation

    Disney produced their first animation called "steamboat willie". Disney and other animation companies' animation techniques and art get better as time goes on.