Animal Rights Timeline

  • Sheep

    In Ireland they passed an act against pulling wool off living sheep.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    "By this method also we put an end to the time-honored disputes concerning the participation of animals in natural law: they ought to partake of natural right; so that mankind is subjected to a kind of obligation even toward the brutes. It appears, in fact, that if I am bound to do no injury to my fellow-creatures, this is less because they are rational than because they are sentient beings: at least to the privilege of not being wantonly ill-treated by the former."
  • The first Group to Go against animal Cruelty

    The first Group to Go against animal Cruelty
    In Britain the first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded by Richard Martin, Arthur Broome, and William Wilberforce. Creating the first movement against animal cruelty
  • First Society in America against animal cruelty

    First Society in America against animal cruelty
    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded by New Yorker Henry Bergh.
  • (The Jungle By: Upton Sinclair's) is Published

    (The Jungle By: Upton Sinclair's) is Published
    This book had a big impact on animal cruelty. It explained the meat packing industry in chicago.
  • First Vegan Society

    First Vegan Society
    Donald Watson founded the vegan society in britain. (Vegan is not eating any animal products.)
  • The Farm Animal Reform Movement is officially founded.

    The Farm Animal Reform Movement is officially founded.
    The Farm Animal Reform Movement is officially founded against the cruelty of farm animals
  • Student does not dissect frog

    Student does not dissect frog
    California high school student Jennifer Graham makes national headlines when she refuses to dissect a frog; "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins is published.
  • Stops testing aniamlas

    Avon stops testing its products on animals; In Defense of Animals launches their campaign against Proctor & Gamble’s animal testing.
  • General Motors stops testing on Animals.

    General Motors stops testing on Animals.
    General Motors stops using live animals in crash tests; The Great Ape Project is founded by Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri.
  • Dog Fur Coats

    Dog Fur Coats
    A jury finds in favor of Lyman and Winfrey in the defamation lawsuit filed by Texas Cattlemen; An investigation by The Humane Society of the U.S. reveals that Burlington Coat Factory is selling products made from dog and cat fur.
  • Forever 21 stops selling fur

    Forever 21 stops selling fur
    Clothing chain Forever 21 promises to stop selling fur.
  • Fake Fur is Real fur

    Fake Fur is Real fur
    The "SHAC 7" are convicted under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act; Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is passed, and an investigation by the Humane Society of the U.S. reveals that items labeled as “faux” fur at Burlington Coat Factory are made of real fur.
  • Blackfish

    The documentary "Blackfish" reaches a mass audience, causing widespread public criticism of SeaWorld.
  • Sea World Ends Orca Shows

    Sea World Ends Orca Shows
    SeaWorld announces it will end its controversial orca shows and breeding program. Three Years After Blackfish is released
  • California Ends Animals Testing

    California Ends Animals Testing
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces plans to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of mammals to test the toxicity of chemicals; California becomes the first U.S. state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur items; Cat declawing is banned in New York State.