Animal Rights Movement (*note: events labeled January 1st indicate that no exact date was specified)
First Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) was formed in England.
Period: to
Animal Rights Movement
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded by Henry Berg.
SPCA was formed in Philadelphia.
SPCA was formed in Boston.
Laws passed by The American Humane Association "prohibiting the repetition of experiments on animals for the purpose of teaching or demonstrating well known accepted facts."
[Official Website](www.americanhumane.org/) -
The American Welfare Institute and The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) were founded.
[Animal Welfare Institute Official Website](www.awionline.org/)
[HSUS Official Website](www.humanesociety.org/) -
Lab Animal Welfare Act (LAWA) of USA signed into law.
Congress passed Animal Welfare Act, regulating the use of animals in labs.
Welfarists, Pragmatists, and Fundamentalists (animal protection groups) were formed.
New Jersey law signed prohibiting the seizure of pound animals for laboratory use.
Rhode Island law signed prohibiting the seizure of pound animals for laboratory use.
The animal rights movement successfully repeals the Metcalf-Hatch Act which required municipal pounds to sell animals to research.
U.S. passes and ratifies several national and international acts protecting species from extinction and endangerment; e.g. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, Endangered Species Act, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES).
Peter Singer's publication of Animal Liberation released.
lawyer named Tischler organized Attorneys for Animal Rights (AFAR) .
Animal Legal Defense Fund is established.
National Anti-Vivisection Society establishes World Lab Animal Day, which has evolved into World Laboratory Animal Week.
Switzerland begins phasing out battery cages for poultry by requiring 500cm for caged 2 birds.
European Commission bans the importation of seal fur.
Sweden outlaws battery cages and mandates that farm and fur production animals must be maintained in "as natural an environment as possible."
U.S. Animal Welfare Act is amended to increase psychological requirements for primates and to require exercise for dogs.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is founded.
[Official Website](www.peta.org/) -
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is founded.
Farm Animal Reform Movement establishes World Farm Animals Day.
ASPCA called for a boycott of Ringling Brothers after it tried to pass off goats w/horns surgically implanted in their skulls as "living unicorns."
The first annual Great American Meatout is organized by Farm Animal Reform Movement.
Farm Sanctuary is founded.
[Official Website](www.farmsanctuary.org/) -
Fur Free Friday, an annual nation-wide fur protest on the day after Thanksgiving, begins.
California high school student Jenifer Graham makes national headlines when she refuses to dissect a frog.
Became illegal for any ship to dump its plastic trash in U.S. oceans or navigable waters to protect marine wildlife from getting entangled, caught, and strangled in the plastic.
Animal rights activists placed a referendum on the Massachusetts ballot that would have severely restricted animal agriculture in the state.
Avon stops testing their products on animals.
Revlon stops testing their products on animals.
Animal Enterprise Protection Act is passed.
General Motors stops using live animals in crash tests.
The Great Ape Project is founded.
New fur law was passed.
Any country who exports fur to Europe must either ban leg hold traps or adopt international humane trapping standards. -
Compassion Over Killing is founded.
PETA releases an undercover video showing animal abuse by Huntington Life Sciences.
An investigation by The Humane Society of the US reveals that Burlington Coat Factory is selling products made from dog and cat fur.
Compassion Over Killing conducts an open rescue at a battery hen facility, documenting abuses and rescuing 8 hens.
Clothing chain Forever 21 promises to stop selling fur.
US Congress pulls funding for inspections of horse meat.
The "SHAC 7" are convicted under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act.
Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is passed.
Horse slaughter ends in the United States, but live horses continue to be exported for slaughter.
Toronto Star, Debra Black Despite the recession and the animal rights movement, fur is once more returning to the fashion runways of both Europe and North America.