
Animal Farm Vs. Russian Revolution

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    Czar Nicholas II poor leadership

    Russian Revolution: Czar Nicholas II is naive and incompetent through his unwillingness to adapt to Russia's rapidly changing economic and social pressures Animal Farm: Farm Jones was ignorant to the animals needs, and never took care of what needed to be done Parllel in Animal Farm: Czar Nicholas II is the same as Farmer Jones because both repersented the old order. Also, both were driven out of their homeland during the revolution
  • Creation of Karl Marx

    Creation of Karl Marx
    Russian Revolution: Karl Marx publishes the book Communist Manifesto, which outlines the basic idea of communism Animal Farm: Old Major tells the animals of this vision of a better world which includes equality of all animals Parllel in Animal Farm: Old Major parallel in history is Karl Marx, because both first conceived the idea of Communism and died before they could see it put to use.
  • Death of Karl Marx

    Death of Karl Marx
    Russian Revolution: Karl Marx died in 1883, at 64. Does not get to see his vision put to work. Animal Farm: Old major dies after he tell the animals about his vision of animal farm, just like Karl Marx.
  • Fleeing of the Czar

    Fleeing of the Czar
    Russian Revolution: The Russian popuation, led by Leon Trotsky and Vladmir Lenin overtake the autcratic rule of Czar Nicholas II. He was "convinced" by the Russian army to abdicate on 15 March, 1917 with his wife Alexandra Feodorvana. Animal Farm: The animals, led by Snowball and Napoloeon, overtake Mr.Jones farm, the owner of Manor Farm, and evict him and his wife.
  • Russian Orthodox Church

    Russian Orthodox Church
    Russian Revolution: The church was corrupt under Stalin's rule Animal Farm: Moses (repersents religon) leaves the farm with Farmer John wife Parllel in Animal Farm: The Russian Orthodox church is repersented by Moses because both at first ran away. Later, both were used by Stalin as a means of propoganda
  • Return of Nicholas II

    Return of Nicholas II
    Russian Revolution: People loyal to Czar Nicholas II fight the Russian Soviet Republic with the support of England and Germany Animal Farm: Mr. Jones tries to retake the farm with the help of Mr. Fredrickton and Mr. Piklington, only to lose becuase of Snowball's brillant strategy Parllel in Animal Farm: The Battle of Bloody October is the same as the Battle of Cowshed in Animal Farm where the previous leaders try to destroy the revolution and ultimately fail
  • Start of Labor Camps

    Russian Revolution: Stalin starts labour camps to boost the economy after the loss of WWI Animal Farm: The pigs put the animals to work after exodus of Farmer Jones Paralells in Animal Farm: Boxer, the horse, repersents the hardowrking class during the revolution that were devoted to their work in order for Russia to not go under Stalin's rule
  • Bolshevik Party take Voer

    Bolshevik Party take Voer
    Russian Revolution: Since the Bolsheviks were the main drive behind the revolution led by Napoloeon and Snowball, they came into power after the Czar left. The government adopts the principles of Communism Animal Farm: The pigs, who are all literate, set up the government on the principle of Anamalism Parllel in Animal Farm: Naploeon is parallel to Joseph Stalin becuse both taake over the whole country after the initial revolution, and certai action are similar like the pures.
  • Russia Changes to Russian Soviet Union

    Russia Changes to Russian Soviet Union
    Russian Revolution: After the revolution the government chagned it's name to the Russian Revolution. The flag changes to a red background (red had always been assicated with Russian culture) with a hammer crossing with a sickle on a corner. Animal Farm: After Farmer John was kicked out the Animals changed the name from Manor Farm to Animals Farm. Also, a new flag was created with a green flag (repersenting the fields of England) and a white hoof.
  • Attempt Assination of Leon Trotsky

    Attempt Assination of Leon Trotsky
    Russian Revoution: An assination attempt on Leon Trotsky leaves him wounded Animal Farm: A bullet grazes Snowball and leaves him with a wound during the Battle of Cowshed. Parllel in Animal Farm: Leon Trotsky is parallel to Snowball because both are true communists and are driven out by their main competitors
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Russian Revolution: Stalin needs money to run the government and he takes crops from the peasents.When the peasents refused Stalin lawed that no trade was to be made with them. So, millions of peasents starved until they gave their rops to Stalin Animal Farm: When Napoleon needed more money he decided to take it from teh hens. When they refused they had starved adn some died. Later on they accepted and gave Napleon the eggs.
  • Struggle of Power between Stalin and Trotsky

    Struggle of Power between Stalin and Trotsky
    Russian Revolution: Conflicts rise between Stalin and Tortsky, both fight to retain power Animal Farm: Snowball and Napoeon bothstruggle to gain power
  • Mumification of Lenin

    Mumification of Lenin
    Russian Revolution: Lenin dies, and his body is mummified to put on public display. Hundreds of people wait in line to see the father of the Russian Revolution Animal Farm: Old major's Skull is dug up and placed on a stump at the foot of the flag staff and the animals are required to somnly file past it before starting their work day
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    5 Year Plan

    Russian Revolution: The 5 year plan created by Stalin in order to imrpove Russia'a economy Animal Farm: Instantated by Napoloeon to create economic self- sufficiency for the farm
  • Exile of Trotsky

    Russian Revolution: Trotsly was Stalin's only opposistion and exiled him from Russia Animal Farm: Napoloeon, with the help of his dogs, attacked Snowball and forced him to leave the farm
  • Failure Of 5 year- Plan

    Failure Of 5 year- Plan
    Russian Revolution: The 5 year plan did not boost the economy of Russia. Stalin blamed other reasons for the failure of his plan Animal Farm: The failure of teh 5 year plan is hown as the destruction of the windmill. Napoleon blames Snowball for the destruction of the windmill
  • Propoganda of the 5 year Plan

    Russian Revolution: The Pravada newspaper states figures regarding the success of the Five Year Plans are released to the public Animal Farm: Napoleon fills the food bins with sand to show the neighbouring farmers that the animals are prospering. Parallels in Animal Farm: Squeler always provides statistics to the animals about how good the farm is doing.
  • Recognition of USSR

    Recognition of USSR
    Russian Revolution: The U.S and other recognize Russia as a nation and trade with them Animal Farm: Animal Farm is recognized b the other farmer and trade develops
  • Cheka/KGB

    Russian Revolution: A secret orginization that was under the rule of Stalin Animal Farm: Dogs taken in by Napleon and trained to follow Napoleon and issue out his commands through the use of force Parllel in Animal Farm: The KGB are the same as the dogs in Animal Farm because both were a secret force that was lead by the leader to issue out his commands
  • Purges of Stalin

    Purges of Stalin
    Russian Revolution: Stalin conducts show trials of his opponents. The point of the trial is to present the accusation and verdict of the triat as an example of Stalin's authority Animal Farm: When the anima;s admiy to being associated with Snowball, four pigs, three hens, a goose, and a sheep are executed by Napoleon
  • The Great Purge

    Russian Revolution: faithful citizens who are no longer able to contribute to society are removed Animal Farm: Instead of retirement that was promised with Anamilism if you were not useful, your were taken to the slaughterhouse just like Boxer
  • Nazi- Soviet Non- Aggression Pact

    Russian Revolution: repersentatives from Germany and Russia meet to sign the Nazi- Soviet Non- Agression Pact Animal Farm: Napoleon establishes trade for Animal Farm and sells, firewood to Frederick
  • German Invasion

    Russian Revolution: Germany breaks pact and invades Russia under the leader of Hitler Animal Farm: Banknotes for the woodpile were forged and Freerick invades Animal Farm and destroys windmill
  • Recontroll of Russia

    Russian Revolution: The Russians drive out the Germans out Animal Farm: The animals eact angrily to destruction of the windmill and they forced Frederick off the ferm
  • The Leaders Meeting

    Russian Revolution: Many leadrs give credit to the work of Stalin, and how he runned teh country of Russia. Animal Farm: Years, later Napoleon invites all the farmers to a game of cards and his is praised for his work that he has done to Animal Farm.