Animal Farm Timeline

By Grxiton
  • Old Major's Speech

    Old Major tells the animals about a strange dream he had the other night. He talks about how humans are making their lives miserable and how the animals should take the barn for themselves since they are the ones doing the labor. Old Major sings "Beasts of England" to the other animals.
  • Old Major's death

    Old Major passes away in his sleep three days after his speech.
  • Animalism is created

    Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer turned Old Majors speech into a system of thought. These three taught the principles of the system to the other animals several times a week. The system was called "Animalism".
  • Rebellion

    Farmer Jones went out to drink and forgot about feeding the animals. When he came back to the farm the animals broke out of their stalls and fought the humans occupying the farm. The animals drove out the farmers and took the farm for themslves.
  • The 7 Commandments

    Snowball writes the 7 Commandments all animals must follow.
  • First Harvest

    The animals receive a good harvest. The pigs supervised and the other animals tended to the crops.
  • Rumors of Animal Farm

    Snowball and Napoleon sent pigeons to tell other farms out the rebellion and the song "Beasts of Engand".
  • Battle of Cowshed

    Farmer Jones and other farmers try to take back the farm, but are driving off by the animals.
  • Mollie runs away

    After Clover confronts Mollie about seeing her with a human she runs away from animal farm.
  • Snowball is chased out

    During the debate about the Windmill, Napoleon uses nine dogs to chase Snowball out of Animal Farm. Napoleon later decides to build the windmill and claim that the windmill was his idea in the first place.
  • Trade with Foxwood

    Snowball trades his crops for materials and money, communicating through Whymper.
  • Pigs move into Farmhouse

    The pigs change the 4th commandment so that they can sleep on the beds in the farmhouse.
  • Windmill falls

    The wind knocks down the windmill but Napoleon blames Snowball for the incident
  • Death Pebalty

    Napoleon kills the animals that confess to helping Snowball since he was evicted from the Farm.
  • No more "Beast of England"

    Squealer told the animals that they now were not aloud to sing "Beasts of England" because the rebellion was over.
  • Leader Napoleon

    Napoleon was gaining more power. He was now refereed to as leader Napoleon and didn't come out of the house often.
  • Attack on Animal Farm by Fredrick

    15 men with guns invaded Animal farm and kill many animals as well as blowing up the windmill.
  • Rations

    The rations were all cut except for the Dogs and Pigs.
  • Boxer is sent to Willingdon Hospital

    Boxer is injured and sent to be killed for money but Napoleon tells the other animals that he is being treated by doctors at Willingdon.
  • Years past

    Many of the animals from the time of the Rebellion are dead. Retiring isn't a choice. Almost none of the new animals know what it was like before.
  • Four legs good, Two legs better

    The pigs practice standing on two legs and tell the sheep to say "Four legs good, Two legs better".
  • One and only Commandment

    The commandments are erased and only one remained, "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."
    Later that evening the pigs are seen with the humans, and the other animals can't tell the difference between pig or man.