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Animal Farm

By albved
  • Old Major's speech

    Old Major, the oldest and the wisest of the pigs on the Manor Farm, tells the other animals about a dream he had. The dream was about Animalism, an idea about animals living independent from humans. A few days later, old Major dies. The song, Beasts of England, is performed for the first time. The song would later symbolise the upcoming uprising against the cruel Mr. Jones
  • Snowball and Napoleon takes over.

    Snowball and Napoleon, two of the remaining pigs, start to plan a uprising against the old farmer, the alcoholic Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones mistreats his animal; he does not feed them, does not milk the cows or wash the horses. After years of mistreatment, the animals have had enough, and the idea of a uprising is in general a popular idea.
  • The rebellion

    The rebellion occurs when Mr. Jones falls into a drunken sleep. The animals break out of their sheds. Mr. Jones flees, and Snowball writes "the seven comandments of Animalism" on the wall off the barn. The farm's name is also changed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm.
  • The new era

    After a few days with some chaos, things are starting to take shape. The animals start to run the farm more effectively. The animals enjoy the unity, as well as working for eachother. Napoleon and Snowball are having political discussions almost every day. There they discuss what to with the new, wonderful Animal Farm. Snowball has great abitions for the farm, and he wants to build a windmill to provide electricity and mill all the grain the farm porduces. Napoleon strongly disagree to this.
  • The Battle of the Cowshed

    Mr. Jones tries to take back control of the farm. He and a few other farmers are attacking the farm with weapons, but the brave animals fight back. Eventually, the animals can celebrate their victory in the battle who would be known as "the Battle of the Cowshed" Snowball is given honor of "Animal Hero, First Class" for his actions in the battle.
  • The new regime

    Under the leadership of Napoleon, things are slowly changing, without the animals noticing. Boxer, the large and the loyal cart-horse is working harder than ever, and all the animals are being motivated by Boxer moral. Even though Napoleon was against the building of the windmill and discarded the idea, he now adopts the idea and claim it as his own. Also, Snowball is now public enemy nr. one. and speaking of him is forbidden. Slowly but surely the new regime tigthen it's grip around them
  • Disagreements!

    Some time after "the Battle of the Cowshed", Napoleon and Snowball are once again having their fervent debates. This time the referendum regarding the construction of the windmill is on the agenda. After a great speech by Snowball, Napoleon sends in nine ferocious dogs. These dogs had been trained in all secrecy by Napoleon. The dogs chase off Snowball, and Napoleon stands alone as the supreme leader, with his "parliament of pigs" and his watchdogs as his allied.
  • The naive animals

    Even though the animals remebered that the original comandments stated that no human interaction was allowed, they truly believe every lie they are being told by Napoleons right hand, Squealer. Squealer always seem to have a reasonable explanaiton to every violation of the original comandments. Even though every comandment are being changed slowly but surely, the naive workers at Animal Farm seem to believe everything Squealer is telling them.
  • Violation of the seven comandments

    The construction of the windmill is the main priority now, and all the animals are working hard together to get the windmill done. The original seven comandments are being broken by the pigs. The seven comandments stated that the inhabitants at Animal Farm should have any interractions with humans at all. Nevertheless, the pigs move into the main house Jones used to live in. Napoleon also decides that the farm should start to traid with the farmers, and hires a man called Mr. Whymper
  • Rough times

    During a storm, the newly built windmill is razed. The "parliament of pigs" make the animals on the farm believe that Snowball is the brain behind the "sabotage" on the windmill. Slowly, but surely the memory of the brave and wise Snowball are being washed away. The animals also fight against starvation, but the pigs seem to gain weight. Once again, Squealer convinces the animals to believe that there's a reason for everything.
  • Executions

    In the wake of the incident of the razed windmill, Napoleon are having trials where he forces some of the animals to confess to crimes they never did. They are accused for being provocateurs for Snowball. The animals found guilty in these crimes, clearly not done by them since Snowball never razed the windmill, are executed on the spot.
  • More work and war

    The windmill needs to be rebuilt, and the animals work harder than ever. Even though the workers are starving, Squealer shows statistics that they never have had it better than they have now. After a rough year the windmill is back up again. After a failed trade deal with the neighbouring farm, the farmers declare war against Animal Farm. The farmers crush the windmill once again, but when the animals sees their hard work being razed, they counterattack and they win the war.
  • The third windmill

    The third windmill is now being built, and Boxer, the cart horse, is working more that what is good for him. He is starting to get old, and he is sick. He is still determined to finish the windmill. All this, together with low food rations (Squealer still says that production and health never have been better), makes Boxer collaps. As a reward for his good work for the community, Boxer will be sent to a veterinarian. He is picked up by a butcher, but as usual, Squealer has a good explanition
  • Years later

    Years have gone. Many of the animals who lived during the rebellion are now dead, just a few of the animals have vage memories of the time right after the rebellion, when things were great. All the animals continue to work hard with little to eat, but the pigs are having it better than ever. They are overweight and enjoing alcohol, just like the greedy humans the animals learned to hate. The novel end with the animals finding it difficult to spot any difference between humans and pigs.