Animal Farm

By YesNo
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    The story begins with Old Major telling his fellow animals about his dream. He tells the animals about how humans are oppressive rulers and make the animals work like slaves. He dreams of the day when animals become free from man’s iron fist.
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    The animals rebel against Mr. Jones.
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    Snowball makes the seven commandments.
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    Mr. Jones attempts to recapture Animal Farm but fails.
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    Snowball is kicked off the farm by Napoleon.
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    Napoleon begins to change some of the commandments.
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    Some hens attempt a rebellion against Napoleon but fail.
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    Napoleon has some animals “confess” that they worked for Snowball all along. Napoleon then has those animals executed.
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    Squealer teaches the sheep to say “Four legs good, two legs better” instead “Four legs good, two legs bad.”
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    The animals are unable to identify the pigs from the humans. Thus, showing that the pigs are no different from humans.