Anh H. Vocabulary Timeline

By Anh H.
  • Wuthering

    The Secret Garden - " 'Listen to th' wind wutherin' round the house,' she said. " (Burnett 48) Wuthering means blustery and turbulent, and often describes the fierce, noisy winds that blow across the moors.
  • Ornithological/Ornithology

    The Queen Must Die : Chronicles of the Tempus " 'I will have to cross-check against my own ornithological works.' " (Quinn 216) Ornithology/Ornithological works is the scientific study of birds, or the branch of zoology that deals with birds.
  • Menagerie

    Winter : The Lunar Chronicles - " 'The menagerie is open to the public, Highness.' " (Meyer 238) A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
  • Guffawed

    Winter : The Lunar Chronicles - "Scarlet guffawed, a harsh and delirious sound." (Meyer 388) To laugh in a loud or boisterous way, to laugh heartily.
  • Thaumaturge

    Winter : The Lunar Chronicles - "All crashing toward the castle as the thaumaturges tried to take control again." (Meyer 706) a worker of wonders and performer of miracles; a magician.
  • Reconnaissance

    The Looking Glass Wars - "She sent out seekers--deadly creatures with vulture bodies and fly heads-- for aerial reconnaissance" (Beddor 53) military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
  • Rhetorical

    The Looking Glass Wars - "It was a rhetorical question, fools!" (Beddor 274) expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress.
  • Posterity

    The Looking Glass Wars - "Alice's eighteenth birthday having passed, Mrs. Liddell thought it was time to document for posterity the young woman her daughter had become" (Beddor 164) The descendants of a person, all future generations of someone.
  • Bedraggled

    The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray - "The four-poster bed possessed a strangely pathetic grandeur, bedraggled, and moth-eaten and belonging in a place much more elegant than this" (Wooding 63) dirty and disheveled
  • Rendezvous

    The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray - "If not for that letter, she would not have been hurrying to a secret rendezvous that night." (Wooding 162) To meet up at an agreed time and place.
  • Crypt

    The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray - "By the time they had all gotten their feet under them, the lantern light had been multiplied by the addition of several others and the entire crypt was visible" an underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place; a tomb.
  • Pinnacle

    A Swiftly Tilting Planet - Pg 28 (Monday)
    Trial by Wilderness - pg 32-106 (Tuesday-Friday) "The tunnel came to an end, opening out above the beach, while the ledge continued on toward the end of the pinnacle." A high, pointed piece of rock.
  • Thresh

    The Seeing Stone - pg 29 (Trial by Wilderness pg 127-171) "A bumblebee, the first of the season, droned our herb garden and threshed the air in front of us." (Holland 3) a violent or noisy movement, typically involving hitting something repeatedly; variant spelling of thrash
  • Gonfanon

    The Seeing Stone - pg 74 (pg 113) "When he shakes it, it waves and floats like a flag or banner. Or a gonfanon!"(Holland 74)
  • Gogoniant

    The Seeing Stone - pg 119 "'Gogoniant!' exclaimed Tanwen -- her mouth full of strange Welsh words like that." A Welsh word; meaning glory.
  • Copse

    The Seeing Stone - pg 213 "Sian wasn't in the sheepfold, and she wasn't in the copse; she wasn't in the herb garden."(Holland 197) A small group of trees
  • Gallivant

    The Seeing Stone - pg 236-335 "All around us, white faces and black faces gamboled and gallumphed and gallivanted and shouted and sang" (Holland 297) To go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment
  • Doughty

    The Squire's Tale - pgs 100-194 - "...filled with colorful descriptions of amor and costumes and often describing knights as "doughty warriors" or "passing good knights" or "villainous recreants."" (Morris 194) Brave and persistent
  • Nymph

    The School for Good and Evil - "A green-haired nymph thrust her a basket of books, come peeking out" (Chainani 52) a mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.
  • Bated

    The School for Good and Evil - "Agatha waited with a bated breath, until she finally reached a pink-haired nymph" (Chainani 51) in great suspense; very anxiously or excitedly.
  • Phlegm

    The School for Good and Evil - 76-192 "Hesteer choked and gasped and coughed up phlegm, brought back from the edge" (Chainani 147) the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, especially when produced in excessive or abnormal quantities, e.g., when someone is suffering from a cold.
  • Paroxysm

    The School for Good and Evil - 228-353 "Agatha exploded into a paroxysm of hacks" (Chainani 270) a sudden recurrence or attack of a disease; a sudden worsening of symptoms.
  • Treacle

    The School for Good and Evil - pg 387-487 "She hurled chairs into the brûléed walls, stomped on the treacle floors... but there was only one way out of this room" (Chainani 455). British term for molasses.
  • Basilica

    The Mediator : Darkest Hour - pgs 25-316 "Like the dome over the top of the basilica wasn't there anymore" (Chainani 255) a large oblong hall or building with double colonnades and a semicircular apse, used in ancient Rome as a court of law or for public assemblies.
  • Lever

    The Mediator : Reunion - 37-187 "My jaw sagged. 'Father D.,' I managed to say when I levered it back into place" (Carbot 180) lift or move with a lever.
  • Superlative

    The Mediator : Reunion - pgs 242-289 "My superlative driving skills are what saved us" (Carbot 226) of the highest quality or degree.
  • Raffish

    The Mediator : Haunted "Even the fog couldn't dull the glossy highlights in his raffishly curly hair" (Carbot 6) unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner.
  • Defamation

    The Mediator : Haunted "We'd be slapped with a defamation of character suit in no time for implying that Kelly sucks" (Carbot 182) the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
  • Laden

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - "Harry didn't speak at all as they waled down the road; he didn't even notice how much people were gawking at them on the Underground, laden as they were with all their funny-shaped packages, with the snowy owl asleep in it's cage in Harry's lap." (Rowling 86) heavily loaded or weighed down.
  • Oscillate

    Into Thin Air " As I turned away to continue walking up the trail, my emotions oscillated between nervous anticipation and a nearly overwhelming sense of dread" (Krakauer 59) move or swing back and forth at a regular speed.