
Angolan History

  • Period: to

    End of Portuguese Colonialism

  • First Angolan Civil War breaks out.

    First Angolan Civil War breaks out.
  • Angolan Independence

    Angolan Independence
  • First Angolan Civil War Ends in ceasefire

    First Angolan Civil War Ends in ceasefire
  • Ceasefire is broken, and hostilities resume

    Ceasefire is broken, and hostilities resume
  • New multiparty government

    New multiparty government
  • Guerrilla warfare resumes

    Guerrilla warfare resumes
  • Yet another civil war starts

    Yet another civil war starts
  • Lusaka Peace Protocol is signed

    Lusaka Peace Protocol is signed
  • Jonas Savimbi is killed

    Jonas Savimbi is killed
  • UNITA and government sign ceasefire deal

    UNITA and government sign ceasefire deal
  • Angola expels 300,000 illegal miners

    Angola expels 300,000 illegal miners
  • Marburg outbreak kills over 300

    Marburg outbreak kills over 300
  • Cholera kills +1,600

    Cholera kills +1,600
  • Africa Cup of Nations held in Angola

    Africa Cup of Nations held in Angola
  • Adopted New Constitution

    Adopted New Constitution