Oct 10, 1275
sweet vitriol
If Ramon Llull had not experimented with chemicals, had not discovered the sweet vitriol -
Oct 10, 1550
sleeping chickens
if in the sixteenth century Paracelsus had not done that chickens inhale sweet vitriol, not started the process to discover that not only slept but lost to pain sencibility -
nitrous oxide
If Joseph Priestley had not discovered nitrous oxide, had not given the onset of anesthesia -
anesthetic in humans
If Humphry Davy had not risked his life to experience the effects of nitrous oxide, perhaps no one would have done today aldia ache we all medical interventions -
first operation with anesthesia
if James Venable did not have two small tumeros to remove, and the doctor had not found Crawford Long, had not made the first human medical intervention without pain and maybe nobody would have served as guinea pig -
anesthesia and dentistry
If Horace huibiera Will not decided to use anesthesia itself to extract a molar, would not exist today painless dental treatments and dental procedures would be possible -
advances in medicine
If he had not discovered the anesthetic and had not been tested in humans have not developed the medicine in the twentieth century, reaching the result obtained at that time -
World War I
Without anesthesia would have been harder for mutilation operations for wounded World War I -
internal organs
Without anesthesia had not been possible to perform operations where internal organs involved in search to save more lives -
Organ Transplants
If there were no anesthesia had not been possible to think of an organ transplant, since the same pain can kill people -
cosmetic surgeries
Without the existence of the anesthesia, I would never have been possible to think of cosmetic surgery, because it would not be possible to accept the pain that this would produce