Apple pie 1.0
It was created in 2008,its support status is discontinued -
Banana bread 1.1
It was created in 2009,its support status is discontinued -
Cupcake 1.5
It was created in 2009,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are that .Its main features are that it included an on-screen keyboard and bluetooth -
Donut 1.6
It was created in 2009,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are that it included additional screen sizes and batery usage indicator -
Eclair 2.0-2.1
It was created in 2009,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are user experience and platform -
Froyo 2.2-2.3
It was created in 2010,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are USB and wifi conection,Speed, memory, and performance optimizations. -
Gingerbread 2.3-2.3.7
It was created in 2010,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are rubbish collection for increased performance and copy paste functionality an important feature is that they improved an extra large screen sizes and resolutions. -
Honeycomb 3.0-3.2.6
It was created in 2011,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are the email and contacts apps use a two panes and the Gallery lets users view albums and other collections in full screen mode. -
Ice cream sandwich 4.0-4.0.4
It was created in 2011,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are visual design and new widgets. -
Jelly bean 4.1-4.3.1
It was created in 2012,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are google talk and google calendar synchronization with caledar app -
Kitkat 4.4-4.4.4
It was created in 2013,its support status is discontinued.Its main features are that menu buttons in apps are always visible and that WebView components were updated to use Google Chrome rendering engine version. -
Lollipop 5.0-5.1.1
It was created in 2014,its support status is supported.Its main features are a refreshed notification system and notifications are now displayed on the lock screen as cards. -
Mashmallow 6.0-6.0.1
It was created in 2015,its support status is supported.Its main features are Google Search app called Google Now on Tap and it allows to use an SD card as "internal" storage. -
Nougat 7.0-7.1.1
It was created in 2016,its support status is supported.Its main features are an split-screen display mode for phones and a new design a smaller row of icons for settings