Android Versions

  • Astro Boy

    Astro Boy
    The code name for the Android Alpha was Astro Boy.
  • Bender

    The Android beta (code named Bender) was released on 5 November 2007, while the software developer's kit (SDK) was released on 12 November 2007. November 5 is considered Android's birthday.
  • Apple Pie

    Apple Pie
    Android 1.0 is a version of Android that was released on 23 September 2008, about a month after the Open Handset Alliance was created. Before Android 1.0, the Alpha and Beta were released. Android 1.0's successor was Android 1.1.
  • Petit Four

    Petit Four
    Android 1.1 is a version of Android that was released on 9 February 2009, initially for the HTC Dream only. Its predecessor is Android 1.0, and it's successor is Android 1.5 Cupcake. The update resolved bugs, changed the API and added a number of other features.