Jackson's Birth
Andrew Jackson was born. -
Andrew Jackson enlists in the Revoltonary Army
Andrew Jackson enlisted in the army at age 13! His brother Robert also did but he dided soon after. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
An army of over 1,000 people lead by Adrew Jackson marched and attacked Creek Indian Stronghold. The soliders who marched and attacked were volunteers from Tennesee. -
Battle of New Orleans
On December , the treaty of Ghent was signed declaring the war over. News was very slow to travel and didn't get to New Orleans yet, so they continued with the battle. -
Presidental Election of 1824
John Q. Adams was elected the president of 1825.
Number of Votes:
*Andrew Jackson- 99
*John Q. Adams- 84
*William H. Crawford- 41
*Henry Clay- 37 -
Election of 1828
This presidental election acted as a rematch to John Q. Adams and Andrew Jackson.
Number of Votes:
*Andrew Jackson- 178
*John Q. Adams- 83 -
Nullification Crisis
A protective tarrif was passed that upset the southerners. -
Indian Removal Act
SIgned into law by Andrew Jackson. Was a law for the indians to walk the mississippi back to indian territory. -
Worcester v. Ga
Deals with the state of Georiga laws passed. -
Bank War
The Bank War was when federal funding was no longer coming from or to the national bank of the US