Jackson's Birth
Andrew Jackson was born in the Garden of the Waxhaws, South Carolina. The son of Irish immigrants, Jackson spent much of his early life in the frontier regions of South Carolina and Tennessee. His father died from injuries while lifting a heavy log, and his mother was left with few resources to support the family. Jackson received only a minimal formal education, but he learned a great deal about the frontier life. -
Enlist Into Army
Due to his political life being at a stand still and Jackson's life being in shambles he turned to the Army.While in the army he earned the name Old Hickory which he gained due to getting him and his army through hosttile lands. -
Battle of New Orleans
The Battle of New Orleans was a battle after the War of 1812. The fight took place on September 11, 1812 when 7,500 British soldiers went up against 4,500 U.S. troops. The Anericans defeated the British just 30 minutes. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, had been signed two weeks before the battle but the news had not yet reached the troops. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
On 27 March 1814, Andrew Jackson‘s army of 3,300 men attacked 1,000 Red Stick Creek warriors fortified in a horseshoe shaped bend of the Tallapoosa River. The battle ended the Creek War, and gained the United States 23,000,000 acres of land. -
Election of 1824
John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, and Henry Clay were the four cannidates and even though in the end Clay lost election due winning less of the popular vote then the rest and even after winning popular Andrew Jackson.None of them won the electoral vote so the House of Repesentives was to choose and Clay having a large influence got them to vote for John Q. Adams this enraged Adams. -
Election of 1828
A bitter contest where they trade insults that were to hurt the other campaigns this rivarly started due to Jackson thinking that Adams and Clay made a deal to where Adams won and clay became tresurer. Jackson won the presidency due to going how he would help the common man the the higher class. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was a law signed by Andrew Jackson making Native Americans move to the west of the Mississippi River. About 60,000 Native Americans were forced to migrate. Out of 11,500 Cherokees, about 4,000 died along the way. -
Worchester Vs. Georgia
Nullification Crisis
Constitutional struggle between some states and President Andrew Jackson. The states didn't want to pay the protective tariff that Jackson wanted, and the states claimed they could just get rid of the tariff. It would have meant that the states would have had authority over the federal government. The states involved soon stopped resisting because Henry Clay proposed a new bill. -
Bank War
Andrew announces that second bank will not be the federal bank anymore and then used his executive powers to cut funds to bank.The bank was made 5 years after the first bank charter expired.