Election of 1828
The United States of America presidential election of 1828 was the 11th quadrenial presidential election. The opponents were John Quincy Adams as a national republican and Andrew Jackson as a democrat. This election created the Jacksonion democracy and the first party system. Jackson had 178 electoral votes, 15 states carried, a popularity vote of 642, 553, a percentage of voters reaching 56.0%, and a growing popularity status among the "common man". Jackson was popular in the western states. -
Eaton/Petticoat Affair
The Eaton/ Petticoat affair was a wide spread scandal among President Andrew Jackson's cabinet and their wives. -
Spoils System
The spoil system is an American based political practice where after winning an election the government gives jobs to its voters as an award for their winnings. This was very popular during the Jacksonion era, and during President Andrew Jackson's election. -
Nullification Crisis
The Nuliification Crisis was a constitutional struggle between certain states and President Andrew Jackson. Some states didn't want to pay a protection tariff that Jackson wanted to enforce, so the states claimed the right to declair the vetoe of the tariff or to "nulify", which meant that the states wouldn't have to pay the tariff. -
Bank War
The bank war was a politcal contreversie over the problem of the second bank of the United States. This was during President Andrew Jackson's administration for presidency. Andrew Jackson was Anti-BUS.( bus standing for second bank of the United States). -
Trail of Tears
The trail of tears was a Indian removal act to relocate the Native Americans that began in 1831. The tribes affected were the Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations, along with many others in the United States. Many of the Native Americans died of disease and starvation. This included 60,000 of the 130,000 relocated Cherokee. By 1837, 46,000 Native Americans from southeastern states were removed from their homeland opening 25 million acres.