Election of 1824
The election of 1824 took place during a calm and peaceful time. Since Henry Clay had a high political standing, he used his influence to sway the electoral votes to John Adams side, which was enough to elect him president. -
Election of 1828
By 1828, most of the national republicans supported John Adams. Andrew Jackson recieved most of his support from the south and places known as frontier states. Jackson also had the support of John C. Calhoun, who helped him win precidency and form a new democratic party. -
Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson granted unsettled lands west of the mississippi for Indian lands in the state border. This caused the trail of tears where over 2000 indians died on the journey. -
Nullification Crisis
Andrew Jackson presented the Force Bill to congress. The bill was created to get rid of South Carolina's power to nullify the tariff of 1828. This gave Andrew Jackson alot more power. But, South Carolina threatend to secede from the nation if they went through with this act. -
Bank war
Andrew Jackson wanted to get rid of the bank because it was threatening him. Jackson vetoed the Bank Recharter Bill. He also made sure that the governments deposits be removed from the bank. -
Worcester V. Georgia
This case held that georgia criminal statute prohibited non native americans from being present from native american lands without a license from the state.