Andrew Jackson birth
March 15, 1767 was when Andrew Jackson was born in Waxshaws, which is a border along the North and South Carolina border. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Andrew Jackson and his forces won the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814. It was one of the major battles in the Creek War, when Jackson wanted to "clear" the Mississippi Territory for more white American settlement. He commanded an army of Tennessee militia men to assist him during this. -
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Battle of New Orleans
It was an American victory, which made British forces withdraw completely. It was the constituting final major battle of the War of 1812. -
Election of 1824
In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected President on February 9, 1824. After the election was decided by the House of Representatives. -
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Nullification Crisis
Congress passed the Tariff Bill of 1828 which was the highest import tax ever. It was designed to protect the U.S. industry by making the tariff on goods from Europe higher. It was known as the Tariff of Abominations, and then after that, South Carolina declared the tariff illegal and passed the Nullification Act. -
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Election of 1828
The United States presidential election of 1828 was the 11th election on October 31 to December 2, 1828. It was also a re-match between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, who won the electoral college vote in the election. -
Indian Removal Act
Jackson pushed the Indian Removal Act to Congress which gave him the power to move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. Many Native Americans, mostly Cherokee, were forced to leave their land and the Seminole Indians (eventually) and it was also known as The Trail of Tears. -
Bank War
Jackson thought the Bank of the U.S. was too powerful and that the bank's president, Nicholas Biddle was using the bank for their own profit, The bank cut back on their loans which hurt many farmers in the west. Since it was Jackson who was looking after the Common Man, he vowed, " I will kill it!" and vetoed the Bank when it's contract was up for renewal. -
Worcester v. Georgia
Georgia wanted to attract more white settlers, so they pushed many Native Americans west and after the Worcester v. Georgia case, the Supreme Court decided that the Native Americans had the right to stay.