Andrew Jackson Birth
Jackson was born on the border of North and South Carolina In Waxhaws -
Jackson enlists in the Revolutionary Army
Battle at Horseshoe Bend
Known as the 3 long running conflicts & clash of the cultures. -
Battle of New Orleans
It was the final major battle of the war of 1812. -
Election of 1824
February 9th is the day that John Quincy Adams won the election of 1824. The House voted him president, no the public or electoral votes -
Election of 1828
After the election of 1824 Jackson ran again and won on December 2nd. -
Indian Removal Act
This happened because Congress passed a law that gave the federal government to relocate Indians from wherever they were. -
Worcester v. Georgia
It did not put a sphecific date, but it did take place in the year 1832. -
The Bank War
Preasident Jackson thought the bank was just flat out stupid so when Congress created a second bank President Jackson vetoed it. -
The Nullification Crisis
It was caused by South Carolinas ordianance of nullification