Andrew Jackson

  • Election Of 1824

    Election Of 1824
    John Q Adams and Andrew Jackson were running for president. Jackson won the popular vote, but the electoral votes weren't high enough for any of the canidates. The election went to congress. The corrupt Bargain happened because Henry Clay was the speaker for the House, John Q Adams convinced Clay to make him the president and in return, Clay would become the secretary. John Q Adama was then elected president and Jackson lost.
  • Election Of 1828

    Election Of 1828
    John Q Adams ran for his second term and Andrew Jackson tried again for president. Jackson recieved 94 more electoral votes than in the election of 1824. Jackson beat Adams and became the 7th president of the United States Of America
  • Worcester vs Georgia.

    Worcester vs Georgia.
    The Cherokee refused to move, so Georgia started taxing them and enfocing laws. The cherokee became very upset and turned to the supreme court for help. John Marshall ruled that the Indians didnt have to move, but Jacson refused to enforce that ruling. In the end, Jackson forced the Cherokee to move along with the other tribes.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Jackson strongly disliked the National Bank. He disliked how it had strict policies and its power level and thought it was not helpful. He also disliked the the National banks president, Nicolas Biddle. When the time came for the bank's charter to be renewed, Jackson vetoed the bill. The bank then closed and the country went into a finacial crisis called the Panic of 1837
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    COngress passed a protective tariff that southerners called the tariff of abominations because they disliked it so strongly. South Carrolina declared the tariff illegal by nullifying it with the nullyifying act. South Carolina threatend to secede and Jackson was faced with a tough desicion since they needed the tariffs to protect the American industry. He ended up lowering the tarifs and gave the president power to threaten seceding states.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    They wanted to move the Indians west so the americans could live on that land, so congress created the Indian territory in which is now present day Oklahoma. The journey from their land to the territory was very dangerous and many people died. It was called the trail of tears because of the harsh conditions and the forceful movesaway from their homes.