Andrew jackson   nara   530991

Andrew jackson

  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    The battle of the horseshoe was against the creek Indians they was in Dadeville Alabama. Andrew Jackson was working with the British n the horseshoe battle. The United state won the battle of horseshoe 49 men died in the battle of horseshoe.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The new Orleans battle was fighting against the British soldiers. So General Andrew Jackson won the battle. He lost 8 soldiers to the battle of New Orleans.
  • The death of Rachel jackson

    The death of Rachel jackson
    Rachel Jackson died of a heart attack when she was 61 years old she die in Nashville TN. her husband was sad when she die. after she died he alive for 17 years he died when he was 78 years old he died from tuberculosis.
  • Inauguration of president jackson

    Inauguration of president jackson
    Andrew Jackson was the second in inauguration in the United state
  • Jefferson day dinner

    Jefferson day dinner
    president Andrew Jackson and senator Robert Hayne they have a disagreement about the Declaration of Independence.
  • Jackson signs Indian removal act

    Jackson signs Indian removal act
    The Indian would not give up there land to Andrew Jackson because. The Indian did not want to give up there home they would to stay but Andrew Jackson have to make them leave for good.
  • Jackson vetoes bank bill

    Jackson vetoes bank bill
    Andrew Jackson had help the bank to get there word to the people the bank was grateful for Andrew Jackson help.
  • Jackson Issues Nullification proclamation

    Jackson Issues Nullification proclamation
    the state had no right to cancel any federal law until the proclamation.
  • congress passes the force bill

    congress passes the force bill
    A law was passed to help the president make sure federal law was active in the country.
  • start of the trail of tears

    start of the trail of tears
    The Trail of tears forced Indians to relocate and while moving more than ten thousands died before reaching their destination.