Andrew Jackson didnt go to school or college but learned -
he had a child and his wife was Rachel Donelson -
read law for about two years, and he became an outstanding young lawyer in Tennessee. -
War of 1812, Jackson became a national hero when he defeated the British at New Orleans. -
old hickory
In 1824 some state political factions rallied around Jackson; by 1828 enough had joined "Old Hickory" to win numerous state elections and control of the Federal administration in Washington. -
time of president Andrew Jackson
1829 to 1837
he was elected in 1829 and went until 1837
elected by popular vote -
1832, while the President was dining with friends at the White House, someone whispered to him that the Senate had rejected the nomination of Martin Van Buren as Minister to England. Jackson jumped to his feet and exclaimed, "By the Eternal! I'll smash them!" So he did. -
• Dates of Presidency: 3/4/1829 - 3/3/1837
• Presidency Number: 7
• Number of Terms: 2
• Why Presidency Ended: End of 2nd Term
• Party: Democratic
• His Vice President(s): John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren
• Senator: Tennessee (1797-1798), Tennessee (1823-1825)
• House of Representatives:Tennessee (1796-1797)
• Other Offices: Justice of the Tennessee Superior Court -
3/4/1829 - 3/3/1837
he was president• Number of Terms: 2• Party: Democratic -
he died in June 1845.