Jacksons Birth
Born March 15, 1767 in Waxhaws border region between the Carolinas. Born into a recently immigrated scots-irish family. -
Jackson enlists into the Revolutionary War
Went to join the war when he was 13. He was later captured by the british making him the only president to be a prisoner of war. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
At 10;30 am Jackson had his troops shoot alot and had two canons firing at the creek indians for more than 2 hours. He lost fewer than 50 men when it was all over. -
Battle of New Orleans
fought between Dec. 24, 1814 - Jan. 8, 1815. Final major battle of the war of 1812. Andrew was the cammander. -
Election of 1824
Held from Oct. 26 - Dec. 2, 1824. John Q. Adams was elected president of Feb. 9, 1825 after the house of repesentatives. -
Election of 1828
held from oct. 31- dec. 2, 1828. Jackson won both electoral and popular vote against adams. -
Indian Removal Act
Authorized the president to grant unsettled lands west of the mississippi exchange for Indian lands. A few tribes went peacfually, but many resisted. -
Worcest vs Georgia
Cherokee indians constituted a nation holding distinct sovereignty power. The decision became the foundation of the principle of tribal sovereignty. -
Nullification Act
The south thought that the tax that was put in place was helping the north. South Carolina said "we are not gonna be taxed on this product." -
Bank War
Refers to the political stuggle that develped over the issue of rechartering the second bank of the U.S.