Andrew Jackson was born
Andrew Jackson was born on MArch 15,1767 in Wazhaws a region between north and south carolina. HE was raised by his mother because his father died three weeks before he was born. -
Jackson enlist in the army
Jackson Enlists in the Revolutionary Army - March 1st 1779
At the age of 13 Andrew Jackson enlisted himself into the revolutionary war with his brothers. Andrew jackson’s oldest brother, Hugh Jackson, died of heat stroke at the battle of Stono Ferry. -
Battle of new orleans
on september 11, 1812 the two weeks after the treaty of ghent was signed the british attacked the port of new orleans. 7,500 british troops against andrew jackson and his 4,500 american troops. But with british having the larger army they still could not withstand the american forces -
Battle of Horseshoe-Bend
on March 27, 1814 the battle between American indians, americans and european had begun. the americans and american indians were led by war hero of 1812 Andrew Jackson. The americans defeated the red sticks apart of the creek indian tribe who opposed american expansion. -
Nullification crisis
Nullification crisis - late 1820s
as the industrial revolution began, the north became more industrialized, while the south remained agricultural. This caused conflicts when congress passed a tariff that created a greater demand for cloth, mostly made in the north, and a much smaller demand for southern cotton. -
Election of 1824
The election of 1824 marked the final collapse of the federalist-republican framework, for the first time nobody ran as a federalist. The official candidate of the Democratic-Republican to replace monroe was William H. Crawford. He ran against hero of 1812 Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. It came down to Jackson against Adams the electoral college had to make a decision, but in the end they picked Adams over Jackson. -
Election of 1828
The presidential election of 1828 was one of the dirtiest elections ever. The opposing party did everything to make Jackson look bad, But it did not work. Jackson liked tariffs and the south was anti-tariffs but they still supported Jackson. Jackson ran against the winner of 1824 presidential election John Quincy Adams. Jackson won in a landslide the count was 178 to 83 electoral votes. After Jackson won the election his wife Rachel Jackson died on December 23, 1828. -
Indian removal act
Indian Removal Act - May 28 1830
In his 1849 speech he called for the removal of the indians with his Indian Removal Act. This act was strongly supported by the southern states, because they were eager to claim their lands and use in for agricultural purposes. -
Worcester vs Georgia
Worcester V. Georgia - March 3rd 1832
Even though the decision was the foundation of tribal sovereignty in the 20th century, they proceeded to remove the Cherokee indians from their rightful homeland in southern United States. The southerners were happy to hear this because the discovered that after planting crops year after year that the land wore out so they needed more land to keep their business going. -
Bank war
Bank War - September 10 1833
Jackson announces that the national government will no longer be using the second bank of the United States. Then, using his executive powers, he removes all federal funds of the bank.