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Ancient Times to the Present

  • 3400 BCE

    Ancient Civilizations: Egyptians

    Ancient Civilizations: Egyptians
    The Egyptian civilization seemed like the perfect place for a country, with its constant water supply, warm climate, surrounding mountains, and the long coastline stretching across the top of Africa ( Editors). Egypt's Government began with King Menes's upper and lower kingdoms, in the capital at Memphis, he had started the first dynasty in Egyptian history ( Editors). Cities were established and trades were made along the Nile River ( Editors).
  • 2000 BCE

    Ancient Civilizations: Babylon

    Ancient Civilizations: Babylon
    Mesopotamia, or the land between two rivers, was the chosen spot for many groups to settle ( Editors). This specific spot between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers was this spot chosen by Babylonians ( Editors). Their capital city of Babylon was beautiful, and it lasted nearly two thousand years, this was the place where Hammurabi had codified the laws of Babylonia ( Editors)
  • 1500 BCE

    Ancient Civilizations: Hebrews

    Ancient Civilizations: Hebrews
    The Hebrews were descendants of Abraham ( Editors). Abraham moved to Canaan, where his family lived for a long time ( Editors). At this time, Hebrews were not staying true amongst God and fighting eachother, until they saw their Holy City Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians ( Editors).
  • 800 BCE


    Greek history began in Crete in the early 800 BC ( Editors). The people of Crete had a great civilization until a fire forced them to evacuate the island ( Editors). They had moved to Greece where they had rebuilt their civilization ( Editors). They had to buy crops and food from outside countries due to poor soil ( Editors).
  • 400 BCE

    Ancient Civilizations: China

    Ancient Civilizations: China
    China had been the earliest civilization in the far east of what is now Asia, with the water supply coming from the Yangtze and Yellow rivers ( Editors). In northern China, the Yellow River would flood often, causing people to not grow any crops and be forced to move to southern China ( Editors). In southern China, the Yangtze River was perfect and the Chinese had grown its most known crop, rice ( Editors).
  • 753


    In 753, Rome followed the practice of the Etruscans and was ruled by a king who took from a senate made up of the people from the upper classes ( Editors). Rome was one of the most powerful countries of the time because of their barbaric fighting and conquering ( Editors). Rome is known as one of the most historic places now ( Editors).
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    In 1607 Jamestown was discovered and settled by the English, this happened due to the split of the Catholic church in England ( Editors). The English had traded for colonies with the French but did not get enough land, so the English invaded and took land from the french ( Editors). The battle between the English and French was the result of the first 13 colonies ( Editors).
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was the result of the three known classes in France, the nobles, clergy, and peasants ( Editors). The King, Louis XVI was very lazy and did not take care of his country, then Napoleon Bonaparte had come to power by conquering France, he had won most of his battles but got taken over by the French government ( Editors). Napoleon had tried to reconquer France but did not succeed years later ( Editors).
  • WWI

    At the beginning of WWI, there were two alliances, the Triple Alliance, with Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary, and the Triple Entente, with France, England, and Russia ( Editors). the first attack that triggered WWI was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, of Austria-Hungary ( Editors). That had triggered Germany to invade France and begin WWI, which lasted four years ( Editors).
  • WWII

    When WWII began, Nazi Germany had invaded France, and with Poland already under control, England and France had declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan, these were the Axis powers ( Editors). The war wasn't looking good for the Allies until the bombing of pearl harbor near the end of the war, which had forced America to join the war ( Editors). America joined the allies and pushed Germany back, with the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler killing himself ( Editors).