2000 BCE
The Xia Dynasty
There is not much information on the Xia Dynasty, but they did rule over the Neolithic people. -
1600 BCE
Oracle Bones
These were used around the Shang era. They were used by priests for writing important information, and they were made out of the shoulder bones of cattle, or tortoise shells. -
1600 BCE
The Shang Dynasty
It was during the Shang Dynasty that the Bronze age started, when the use of bronze became more common. It also started military technology, writing, calendars, and religion. The Shang Dynasty fell around 1046Bc to the Zhou Dynasty. -
1046 BCE
Confucius was a philosopher who lived from 551 to 479 BC. His followers collected his ideas and teachings in a work called Analects. Confucianism had more influence on Chinese life than any other philosophy. This was part of a the social change of life during the Zhou Era. -
1046 BCE
The Zhou Dynasty
This dynasty was the longest lasting, and was ruled by King Wu when it followed the Shang Dynasty. It was separated into two different periods: the Western Zhou which lasted from 1046-771 BCE, and the Eastern Zhou which lasted from 770-256 BCE. This dynasty was the awakening of intellectual and artistic awakening. -
530 BCE
Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism, one of the world's greatest religions, around 530 BC. He became Buddha, "The Enlightened One", as he practiced spiritual meditations and teachings. However, in his lifetime, he only had few followers. Several centuries later, his teachings won wide acceptance in Asia. -
475 BCE
In ancient China, legalism was a philosophical belief that human beings are more prone to do wrong than right because they are motivated entirely by the interest of self. The early writing was developed by Han Feizi. Legalists believed in power- not virtue -and in harsh laws. -
221 BCE
The Qin Dynasty
This dynasty lasted only lasted 15 years but Cheng, the founder, claimed that the founding of his dynasty marked a turning point in China's history. They kept order by creating an autocracy, in which the emperor held complete power. Qin was protected against invasion by the Great Wall of China, which was also built on by other dynasties. In 206 BC, a rebel army revolted against the dynasty and Liu Band overthrew the dynasty and founded Han. -
206 BCE
The Han Dynasty
Liu Band took the title of King of Han for the new dynasty, which had so much influence over the development of China that many Chinese people today call themselves "People of Han." The Han dynasty established a civil service, a systhem that runs the day-to-day business of government. During this dynasty, they used leveling for economic policy and the Silk Road trade prospered greatly. It was split in two, like the Zhou: The Western Han and the Eastern Han. -
142 BCE
According to legend, Laozi founded the philosophy called Daoism, in which 'Dao' means "The Way." The idea of Daoism is that the Dao was an indescribable force that governed the universe and all of nature. Laozi shunned politics and advised people to not seek power. People who believed in Daoism bring themselves into harmony by being quiet and humble.