All free men are declared citizens (CE)
This event was significant in Roman history because Emperor Caracalla gave all free men in the Roman Empire Roman citizenship and all free women were given the same rights as Roman women. -
Period: 312 to 312
The first highways and aqueducts are bulit
This event is important because the highways and aqueducts were an important part of Roman life after their completion. The aqueducts brought water to the city for everyday uses like drinking and washing to farms, the military, and industrial operations. The highways and roads allowed people to easily travel from one city to another. -
Christianity is legalized (CE)
After more than 300 years of persetcution, Christianity was legalized by Emperor Constantine. This was significant because for centuries, Christians were often violently persucuted and arested. Despite this, the number of Christians in Rome increased during this period, mostly among the poorer classes. Christainity eventually became the official religion of Ancient Rome. -
Julius Caesar is assassinated (44 BCE)
Julius Caesar's assassination was the result of a plot by around 60 Roman Senators that feared he would become king. On March 15th, the Senators surrounded Caesar. They were all supposed to stab him so no one could get blamed, but Caesar died after only 23. This event was significant because Caesar's death ironically ended the Roman republic. After Caesar, Rome was ruled by Emperors. -
Period: Jul 18, 640 to Jul 21, 640
The Great Fire of Rome (64 CE)
There are many theroies as to how the Great Fire of Rome started. Most say that Nero, the Emperor at the time, sent men to set fire to the city and played the lyre while Rome burned. At the time, Nero blamed the Christians for starting the fire. The most likely theory is that the fire was an accident. This event was significant because out of Rome's 14 districts, only 4 were unaffected and 3 districts were completely destroyed. -
The Roman empire is split in two (CE)
The Roman Empire grew to be to large to govern effectively from Rome. Emperor Diocletian deceided that the only solution was to divde the Roman Empire in two. After the division, The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire adopted the Greek alphabet. The division of the Empire was important becaue it was the beginning of the end of the Western Roman Empire. -
Mount Vesuvius errupts (79 CE)
Mount Vesuvius' erruption wiped out all of Pompeii but the city can still be seen today. That is because when the ash from the erruption mixed with rain, covering the entire city and preserving everything in it. This is an important event in Ancient Roman history and today because that erruption of Mount Vesuvius was one of the most catastrophic in European history and the preserved city of Pompeii gives us a glimpe of a typical day in Ancient Rome. -
Period: to 270
Pax Romana (27 BCE-CE)
During this time period, known as Pax Romana (Roman Peace), the Roman Empire experienced relative peace and little miltary expanision. This event was significant because Pax Romana was the first time there had been peace for so many centuries in a given period of human history