753 BCE
Rome is founded.
Until the Etruscans are overthrown, they will rule in Rome. -
509 BCE
Rome becomes a Republic.
After being ruled for several centuries by Etruscan kings, the Romans will vow to never be ruled by a king again. They develop a new form of government known as a republic that never allows any one group of people to become more powerful than another. The Romans will be ruled by senators, and have a constitution. This type of government will be used as a model for several nations around the world throughout history. Our own government (the US), is based loosely off of the Roman Republic! -
450 BCE
Twelve Tables are created.
The Twelve Tables are written, and become the basis of Roman law. This is the first time that laws are written down in Rome, ensuring that laws cannot be bent or changed. -
218 BCE
Hannibal invades!!
Hannibal of Carthage invades Rome during the second Punic War. Scipio will end up tricking Hannibal during the Third Punic War, and successfully defeat the Carthaginians. Carthage will become a part of the Roman Republic. After defeating the Carthaginians, Rome will become the most powerful group in the western Mediterranean. -
45 BCE
Julius Caesar proclaims himself dictator of Rome.
After a period of civil war in Rome, Caesar successfully defeats his enemies and proclaims himself dictator for life and supreme ruler of Rome. Up until this point, the only time a dictator was allowed to be in power in Rome was during crisis and war. -
44 BCE
Caesar is assassinated.
Threatened by Caesar, and believing that he has become far too powerful, many conspire against the leader of Rome to defeat him. -
33 BCE
Jesus is crucified.
Jesus is crucified after being perceived as a threat by a group of higher class Jews. Christianity begins to spread and become more popularized by missionaries. Link text -
27 BCE
The Roman Empire begins.
After defeating Marc Antony and Cleopatra, Octavius, Caesar's adoptive son, is renamed Augustus and becomes the first Roman emperor. Under Augustus, the Pax Romana begins. -
Diocletian divides the empire.
Emperor Diocletian decides that the Roman empire is too large to be ruled by one person. He splits it into to parts: East and West. -
Constantine becomes emperor.
Constantine becomes emperor of Rome. He is the first Christian emperor, and he establishes religious tolerance of Christians under the Edict of Milan. -
Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman empire.
Theodosius proclaims Christianity the official religion of Rome. -
Germanic tribes begin to invade.
The Visgoths and other Germanic peoples begin a series of invasions. This sparks the beginning of the end in the western half of the empire. -
The Roman Empire falls.
Due to several different factors that weaken the empire, the western half falls. The eastern half survives and becomes the Byzantine empire. The fall of Rome sparks the dark ages in Europe.