
Ancient Rome

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    Rome is Founded

    Rome is Founded
    753 BC- Ancient Rome was founded by two brother Romulus and Remus. They constatly fought over were to put Rome both wanted it on a hill. After many debate and wars Romulus kills Remus and names the city of Rome after himself.
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    Ancient Rome

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    Rome becomes a Republic

    Rome becomes a Republic
    Roman Republic
    509 BC- Romans overthrew Etruscan conquers and established a Republic government. This form of government let citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf. Also a Senate was established. Lower-class citizens had virtually no say in the government and only men could vote.
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    The Law of the 12 Tables

    The Law of the 12 Tables
    The 12 Tables
    449 BC- The first account of Roman law. Ten men were appointed to create laws fit for both parties. This was then enforced by the council.
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    War with Carthage

    War with Carthage
    264-261 BC- This war is the First Punin War of three. It started with the Romans interfering with a disbute between the city Syracuse and the city of Messina. At the end of the First Punic War, Sicily became Rome’s first overseas province.
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    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    218- 201 BC- The Second Punic War is also known as the as the Hannibalic War. It was initiated by Rome. Rome wins this war and it put an end to Carthage’s empire in the western Mediterranean, leaving Rome in control of Spain.
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    The Defeat of Carthage

    The Defeat of Carthage
    Third Punic War
    149-146 BC- The Third Punic War is the last war between Rome and Carthage endong with the defeat of Carthage as a whole. This war was much shorter than the others because Carthage ends up surrendering and the citizens are sold into slavery.
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    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    66 BC- The First Triumvirate was a pack between the three political figures, Pompey, Caesar, and Crassus. All of these men needed each other ( they didn't really like each other) and were allies until disputes broke out between them.
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    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome
    45 BC- Julius Caesar defeats Pompey in a civil war. He becomes the supreme ruler of Rome and the Roman Republic dies. Later on Julius is stabbed in the back by the Senate and dies.
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    Constantine First Christian Emperor

    Constantine First Christian Emperor
    305 AD- Constantine becomes the first Christian emperor of Rome. He helps to welcome the widespread of Christianity in Rome. Christianity did not become the official religion of Rome though. Constantine built the new capital of Rome called Constantinople.
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    Christianity becomes the Official Religion

    Christianity becomes the Official Religion
    380- 395 AD- Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome under the rule of Theodosius the Great. Intermixing of Church and State ideas. Christianity helps with the fall of Rome.
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    Rome Splits

    Rome Splits
    395 AD- Theodosius is the last to rule both the eastern and western half of Rome. When he dies he splits Rome into two, East and West, so both his sons could rule. The eastern part became the Byzantine Empire, which was ruled by Arcadius. The western section became the Roman Empire, which was ruled by Honorius.
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    Roman Empire Falls

    Roman Empire Falls
    476 AD- The Western Roman Empire falls to German barbarian invaders. Rome was also weak because of internal conflict, the split, and corrupt rulers. This leads into the Dark Ages in Europe. video-
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    Byzantine Empire Falls

    Byzantine Empire Falls
    1453 AD- The fall of the Eastern Byzantine Empire was due to the Ottomon Turks who took over Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul. This is the end of the Roman civilization. video-
  • The Second Triumvirate

    The Second Triumvirate
    44 BC- The Second Triumvirate was made up of alliances between Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. Unlike the First Triumvirate, the Second Triumvirate was known and legal. This allowed them full legal authority in Rome.
  • Octavian Became the First Emperor

    Octavian Became the First Emperor
    41 BC- 14 AD- Octavian takes over Rome and becomes the first Roman Emperor. He changes his name to Caesar Augustus. Under Augustus rule Rome thrived economically.