Ancient Rome

By malwo
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans begin to arrive in Rome

  • 753 BCE

    Romulus and Remus founded Rome

    Romulus and Remus founded Rome
  • Period: 750 BCE to 600 BCE

    Greeks arrive in Rome

  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic begins

    Roman Republic begins
  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Ancient Rome

  • 451 BCE

    Twelve Tables written

    Twelve Tables written
  • 265 BCE

    Year by which Rome had conquered all of Italy

    Year by which Rome had conquered all of Italy
  • Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE

    First Punic War

  • Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE

    Second Punic War

  • Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE

    Third Punic War

  • 70 BCE

    Rome achieved dominance over the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding areas

    Rome achieved dominance over the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding areas
  • Period: 60 BCE to 53 BCE

    Duration of the First Triumverate

  • 59 BCE

    Julius Caesar elected as counsul

    Julius Caesar elected as counsul
  • Period: 58 BCE to 50 BCE

    Years Julius Caesar and his legions capture all of Gaul

  • 46 BCE

    Julius Caesar returns to Rome and is named dictator

    Julius Caesar returns to Rome and is named dictator
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is named dictator for life

    Julius Caesar is named dictator for life
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is killed

    Julius Caesar is killed
    March 15, 44 BC
  • Period: 43 BCE to 33 BCE

    Duration of the Second Triumvirate

    Octavian, Caesar Augustus, Mark Antony, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
  • 31 BCE

    Octavian defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra

    Octavian defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra
  • 27 BCE

    Start of the Roman Empire

    Start of the Roman Empire
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus began his rule

    Augustus began his rule
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Period of Pax Romana

  • 6

    Rome takes control of the Jewish Kingdom, making it a part of the Roman Empire

    Rome takes control of the Jewish Kingdom, making it a part of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 6 to 4

    Birth of Jesus

  • 14

    Year of Augustus' death

    Year of Augustus' death
    name changed to Octavian after he is crowned emperor AD
  • 29

    Death of Jesus

    Death of Jesus
  • Period: 37 to 41

    Caligula's rule

  • Period: 54 to 68

    Nero's rule

  • 64

    Roman persecution of Christians begins

    Roman persecution of Christians begins
  • 70

    Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans for the last time

    Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans for the last time
  • 79

    Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii

    Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii
  • Period: 81 to 96

    Domitian's rule

  • 101

    Roman empire existed from Spain to Mesopotamia and North Africa to Britain

    Roman empire existed from Spain to Mesopotamia and North Africa to Britain
  • 132

    Final Jewish Rebellion and start of Diaspora

    Final Jewish Rebellion and start of Diaspora
  • Period: 161 to 180

    Marcus Aurelius' rule

  • 284

    Roman Empire permanently split into Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire

    Roman Empire permanently split into Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire
  • Period: 284 to 305

    Rule of Diocletian

  • Period: 306 to 337

    Rule of Constantine

  • Period: 312 to 313

    Constantine accepts Christianity

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    a decree by Constantine granted both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose (AD)
  • 325

    Nicene Creed

    Nicene Creed
    a prayer that states the beliefs of Christians (AD)
  • 376

    Visigoths begin attacking Roman army

  • 380

    Christianity is made official religion of Roman empire

  • 406

    Vandals attack Gaul

  • 452

    Attila the Hun starts to enter frontier regions of Roman Empire

  • 476

    Western Roman Empire fell to Odoacer

  • Mar 16, 1453

    Eastern Roman Empire was overrun by Ottoman Turks
