Map ancient rome 2

Ancient Rome

  • 100

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana means Roman peace. It was created by Augustus Caesar and lasted for 200 years. It lasted until the last of the 5 good emperors died; Marcus Aurelius, in 180 CE.
  • 100

    Ides of March

    Ides of March
    Julius Caesar is assassinated by people that he thought were his closest friends. He was stabbed 23 times to death by Roman senaters. The Ides of March stands for the 15th day of March in the Roman calender.
  • Period: 100 to 500


  • 170

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    Marcus Aurelius was the last of the 5 good emperors. One of the most important things he did was made a common coin system. This ment that the whole empire had the same currency and that made collecting taxes much easier.
  • 305


    Diocletian did everything he could to save the empire. He doubled the size of the army, and took steps to stop the economic decline. He ruled the the eastern half of the empire because it was wealthier. He finally abdictated in 305.
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    Milvian Ridge

    Milvian Ridge
    Constantine gets to a bridge where he knows he has to fight the toughest battle of his life. The night before the battle as he was going over battle plans, Constantine sees a image in the sky. He believes its a sign from the Christian god. He has all his soldiers paint the sign on their sheilds and they win the battle. From then on Constantine promoted Christianity.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    After Constantine wins battle against Licinius to become sole leader, he granted the freedom to worship what you wanted. Soon after he moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople where Christianity started to get popular.
  • 410

    Barbarians Invade

    Barbarians Invade
    In 410, the Visigoths were the first to invade Rome. They were followed by the Vandals in 455, and in 476, the Ostrogoths invaded and led to the final collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome fell, while the Eastern part stayed strong.
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    The Code

    The Code
    Justinian add new laws to the 12 tables and called it the Code. The first code was completed in 529 BCE. The Code gave people more rights , made things more fair, and benefited the people. A clear set of laws is one of the four main concepts that lead to a successful society.
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    Art and Architecture

    Art and Architecture
    Mosaics brought power to the world of art. one of the most important aspects at the time was painting. Ivory and metal work was highly prized. the biggest acheivement in architexture was the Church of Holy Wisdom, also know as Hagia Sophia.
  • Assassination of Commodus

    Assassination of Commodus
    Commodus was a weak ruler. He was more interested in entertainment than the empire. He was such a bad person that even his own sister wanted to kill him. A group of senates assassinated him and he was declared a public enemy.