Ancient Roman History

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
  • Period: 625 BCE to 510 BCE

    Period of the Kings

  • 616 BCE

    Reign of Tarquinius Priscus (616BC - 578BC)

    Reign of Tarquinius Priscus (616BC - 578BC)
  • 578 BCE

    Reign of Servius Tullius (578BC - 535BC)

    Reign of Servius Tullius (578BC - 535BC)
  • 519 BCE

    Cincinnatus (519BC - 430BC)

    Cincinnatus (519BC - 430BC)
  • Period: 510 BCE to 31 BCE

    Republican Rome

  • 382 BCE

    Phillip II (382AD - 336AD)

    Phillip II (382AD - 336AD)
  • 371 BCE

    Battle of Leuctra

    Battle of Leuctra
  • 356 BCE

    Alexander the Great (356BC - 323BC)

    Alexander the Great (356BC - 323BC)
  • 339 BCE

    Invasion of Greece

    Invasion of Greece
  • 337 BCE

    The League of Corinth

    The League of Corinth
  • 336 BCE

    Phillip II Assassinated

    Phillip II Assassinated
  • 322 BCE

    End of Democracy in Athens

    End of Democracy in Athens
  • 301 BCE

    Battle of Ipsus

    Battle of Ipsus
  • 234 BCE

    Cato the Elder, (234BC - 149BC)

    Cato the Elder, (234BC - 149BC)
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal Crosses the Alps

    Hannibal Crosses the Alps
  • 218 BCE

    2nd Punic War

    2nd Punic War
  • 164 BCE

    Judah Maccabee Rededicates Jewish Temple

    Judah Maccabee Rededicates Jewish Temple
  • 146 BCE

    Sack of Carthage and Corinth

    Sack of Carthage and Corinth
  • 106 BCE

    Pompey (106BC - 48BC)

    Pompey (106BC - 48BC)
  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar (100BC - 44BC)

    Julius Caesar (100BC - 44BC)
  • 73 BCE

    Revolt of Sparticus

    Revolt of Sparticus
  • 70 BCE

    Virgil (70BC - 19BC)

    Virgil (70BC - 19BC)
  • 63 BCE

    The Conspiracy of Catiline

    The Conspiracy of Catiline
  • 63 BCE

    Augustus (63BC - 14BC)

    Augustus (63BC - 14BC)
  • 42 BCE

    Tiberius (42BC - 37AD)

    Tiberius (42BC - 37AD)
  • Period: 31 BCE to 476

    Imperial Rome

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana

  • 10 BCE

    Claudius (10BC - 54AD)

    Claudius (10BC - 54AD)
  • 3 BCE

    Galba (3BC - 69AD)

    Galba (3BC - 69AD)
  • 9

    Vespasian (9AD - 79AD)

    Vespasian (9AD - 79AD)
  • 12

    Caligula (12AD - 41AD)

    Caligula (12AD - 41AD)
  • 15

    Vitellius (15AD - 69AD)

    Vitellius (15AD - 69AD)
  • 30

    Nerva (30AD - 98AD)

    Nerva (30AD - 98AD)
  • 32

    Otho (32AD - 69AD)

    Otho (32AD - 69AD)
  • 37

    Nero (37AD - 68AD)

    Nero (37AD - 68AD)
  • 37

    Josephus (37AD - 100AD)

    Josephus (37AD - 100AD)
  • 51

    Titus Domitian (51AD - 96AD)

    Titus Domitian (51AD - 96AD)
  • 53

    Trajan (53AD - 117AD)

    Trajan (53AD - 117AD)
  • 56

    Publius Cornelius Tacitus (56AD - 120AD)

    Publius Cornelius Tacitus (56AD - 120AD)
  • 58

    Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (Circa 58BC)

    Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (Circa 58BC)
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
  • 66

    Outbreak of Jewish War

    Outbreak of Jewish War
  • 68

    Jerusalem Destroyed (66AD - 70AD)

    Jerusalem Destroyed (66AD - 70AD)
  • 76

    Hadrian (76AD - 138AD)

    Hadrian (76AD - 138AD)
  • 86

    Antoninus Pius (86AD - 161AD)

    Antoninus Pius (86AD - 161AD)
  • 121

    Marcus Aurelius (121AD - 180AD)

    Marcus Aurelius (121AD - 180AD)
  • 272

    Constantine the Great (272AD - 337AD)

    Constantine the Great (272AD - 337AD)
  • Period: 300 to 30

    Hellenistic Age

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan