Ancient Rome

By kskobel
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    Three wars fought between Rome and Carthage over Rome wanting to expand the empire into Sicily, from 264-146 BC. Rome gained control of Sicily and Corsica as a result.
  • 197 BCE

    Battle of Cynoscephalae

    Battle of Cynoscephalae
    Fought in Thessaly between the Roman army and the Macedonians. Macedonian casualties were 8000 killed and 5000 captured. Roman casualties were 700 killed and 2000 wounded. This was the first time Romans were victorious over Macedonia
  • 135 BCE

    First Servile War

    First Servile War
    Unsuccessful slave rebellion against the Roman republic from 135-132BC. Minor battles were won by slaves but the larger Roman army arrived and defeated the slaves. It was the first of three slave revolts.
  • 124 BCE

    Second Servile War

    Second Servile War
    Unsuccessful slave rebellion against the Roman republic from 124-100BC. The war occurred on the island of Sicily because of the abuse slaves faced by the Romans.
  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Ruled from 100-44BC. Greatly improved Rome's economy, decreased the number of unemployed, and expanded the area of the Roman Empire.
  • 73 BCE

    Third Servile War

    Third Servile War
    The War of Spartacus lasted from 73-71 BC. only slave revolt to threaten Italy. The rebels were led by Spartacus while the Roman Republic was led by Marcus Crassus. 30,000 slave lives were lost, 6000 crucified by Marcus Crassus and another 5000 by Pompey while 10,000 Roman soldiers were killed. Spartacus was never found.
  • 66 BCE

    Roman Persian Wars

    Roman Persian Wars
    Conflicts between Rome and Iranian empires lasting from 66BC to 628 AD. The Roman Empire survived the assault but lost its territories in Crete and Southern Italy before regaining the area again
  • 58 BCE

    Battle of Vosges

    Battle of Vosges
    Julius Caesar led the Roman troops against a German tribe in France in the third battle of the Gallic Wars. Caesar secured the German border and continued to advance.
  • 57 BCE

    Battle of Axona

    Battle of Axona
    Part of the Gallic Wars. Rome led by Julius Caesar forcing the Belgic army to retreat. Caesar continued the Roman quest to expand in Europe.
  • 54 BCE


    Part of First Triumvirate with Ceasar and Pompey 54-53BC. Transformation of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Governor of Roman Syria.
  • 52 BCE


    Formed the First Triumvirate with Caesar and Crassus from 52-51 BC. Conquerer of the Orient.
  • 49 BCE

    Mark Antony

    Mark Antony
    Tribune to Caesar in 49BC. Formed the Second Triumvirate with Octavian. Had an affair with Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Killed himself because he thought Cleopatra already had killed herself after fleeing Octavian and Greece.
  • 46 BCE


    Consul Roman Republic 46BC. Triumvirate 43-36BC. Consul 42BC. Weak and indecisive member of the Second Triumvirate
  • 41 BCE


    Roman Emperor from 41-54AD. First emperor who accepted bribes to gain army loyalty. Restored the status of peaceful provinces of Macedonia and Achaea.
  • 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

    Battle of Actium
    Decisive confrontation of the final war of the Roman Republic. Naval battle between Mark Antony/Cleopatra and Octavian on the Ionian Sea. Octavian was victorious and began the Roman Empire and the title of Augustus.
  • 27 BCE


    Ruled 27BC-14AD. Initiated Pax Romana time of peace. Founded the principate. Recionstruction and social reform in the city.
  • 49

    Caesar's Civil War

    Caesar's Civil War
    The Great Roman Civil War from 49-45BC. One of the last conflicts before the establishment of the Roman Empire. Caesar was victorious over the Roman Senate and was declared dictator of the Roman Empire.
  • 54


    Ruled from 54-68. More independence for the Senate. Forbade contests involving bloodshed, banned capital punishment, reduced taxes, granted slaves to make complaints.
  • 117


    Roman Emperor from 117-138AD. Built Hadrian's Wall that became the northern border of Britannia
  • 306


    Emperor from 306-337. Move Roman capital to Byzantium and rebuilt the city calling it Constantinople. Brought Christianity to the Roman Empire.