the 2nd rebellion against romans
Another revolt came but again the jews lost. Jewish were then forbidden to read the torah, observe sabbath and circumcise their sons. Jewdaism was slowly dying. One group who still survived was the Rabbis. -
This was about a rebellion which was lead by the Hasmon family which who were priest. The family revolted and got independence for Judea. They then created a new kingdom which was again called Isreal. -
The Greeks & Antiochus IV (combined)
Jewdaism was spreading around Persia, Greece and Parthia and Rome. The Greek thought Jewdaism was introduced in the Middle East by Alexander the Great. However, there was tension between the religion and the greek traditionalist. Antiochus IV Epiphanes who was a traditional hellenestic ruler of syria wanted to abolish jewdaism and go all for hellenestic. He did this by killing jewish families, burning the torah, putting Zeus in the Temple of Jerusalem, and sacraficing a pig on it. -
Ezra was a priest and also a scribe. He revised stories of the people. Ezera spent hours reading the torah in a public square. This was known as the "five books of Moses". -
Babylonians (King Nebuchadnezzar)
50 years later, there was an exile in Babylon. religious jews went back to their holy city.King Cyrus alllowed them to do so, and also restored the temple of Jerusalem. Not many jews went back to Jerusalem, even though it was the new centeral symbol. -
Sep 27, 722
Isreal was very corrupt and people began believing in more than one god. God then took the strong kingdom of Assyria to overtake the country. To have a balanced population assyria kicked out all non-jewish people out of the city. -
Hasmonean Family
3 types of Jews formed in Judea. THe Sadduces were wealthy priest and buisness people, who were very conservative. The 2nd was the Pharissees who were more liberal citezen from all classes. And the low class who were considered a corrupt priesthood. They followed the "Teacher of the Righteousness". Soon the Hasmoneans got intno a Civil War -
As a civil war broke out in Isreal, the Roman General named Pompey on a quest to take over the Hasmonean throne and take the city. Roman influence on the Jews lasted for four centuries. -
With Roman influence, many Jews believed the Messiah would come to save them from their sufferings. One example would be when Daniel had a vision that a human of a man who would free them of the people's sins. Some jews believe Jesus is the Messiah, but some still dont think the Messiah has come yet. -
1st Rebellion
The first rebellion was started by anti-Roman military called Zealots. They rose up and attacked rome but ended up losing. The Jewish defenders were then killed in the Holy Jerusalem. The Roman legions demolished the Jewish Temple. The temple was never rebuilt. -
King David
King David was remembered as Isreal's Greatest King. After making alliances and deafesting other cities, he then captured Jerusalem. He then chose to make it Isreal's capital and moved the Ark of the Covanant there. -
King Solomon
This King was the son of David. King david had a building be created just for the Ark of the covannent. It was held in a room used for sacraficing. This is where the Isrealities felt connected to God. Solomon promised to pledge the building was for god, and god only. But soon King Solomon made alters to the gods of his wives which were different god. This angered God. God then seperated the kingdom after King Solomon's death.