
Ancient Israel

  • 2166 BCE

    God's Convent With Abraham

    God's Convent With Abraham
    Abrahams posterity was to be made a great nation. Abraham was first known as Abram but God wanted him to be known as Abraham.
  • 1940 BCE

    Abraham sent the Sacrifice to Issacc

    God told Abraham to take his only son and go to the Religion of Moriah.Sacrifice him as a burnt offspring on one of the mountians I will tell you about.
  • 1446 BCE

    Exodus From Egypt

    Exodus From Egypt
    People wanted to leave because in Canaan, so instead of leaving Egypt to go back to Canaan they stayed in Egypt. The population in Egypt grew very large because they stayed and more came in.
  • 1010 BCE

    David finds (starts) Jerusalem

    David finds (starts) Jerusalem
    David was crowned dafter Saul died. David help the Israelites empire more secure and prosperous, throughout the other nations. David was held responsible for captring he city of Jerusalem and making it his capital.
  • 970 BCE

    Solomon becomes King

    Solomon becomes King
    When Solomon became King he built The Great Temple Of God in Jerusalem. King Solomon had unfortunately had seven wives.
  • 722 BCE

    Assyrians Conquered Northern of Isreal

    Assyrians Conquered Northern of Isreal
    After Twenty years of initial deportations, the ruling the city Northern Kingdom of Israel, Samira, was finally Conquered by Sargon. Samaria was destroyed by the Assyrians.
  • 609 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar Conquers Judah

    The Judah's king rebelled on the Babylon, by not paying the tribute. Nebuchadnezzar quelled the rebellion and took prisoners from the Judah and took them to the Babylon.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus conquers Babylon

    Cyrus stated that the Lord, the God of heaven has given me all of the kingdoms of Earth. He also stated that he hs appointed me to build a for him.
  • 164 BCE

    Revolt of the Maccabees

    The decrees of Jewish Religious practice was forbidden after Antiochus. The revolt against Seleucid Empire.
  • 70

    Romans capture Jerusalem

    Writers of Rome ere interested in the Jews. Julius Alexander had a siege and Conquered the city of Jerusalem