Ancient India Timeline Sophia Arenas 6A

  • 1900 BCE

    The decline of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa

    The decline of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa
    Mojenjo-Daro and Harappa settled along the Indus River valley in Punjab and Sindh. Aryan invasion is the reason for the decline of Harappan culture. They found in the non buried skeletal remains damages caused by a sharp obedece or a weapon.
  • 1500 BCE

    Aryan Invasion

    Aryan Invasion
    The Aryans migrated from modern day Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan and northern India. They used the Hindu Kush to enter India. They changed the local culture in different ways like introducing Indians to horses and cattle, as well as Aryan gods and language.
  • Period: 326 BCE to 187 BCE

    Maurya Empire

    The two main leaders of the Maurya dynasty were Chandragupta maurya and Asoka. The Maurya Empire was too vast in its extent. While extending to the farthest corners of the Indian sub-continent it also included territories outside the natural frontiers of India.
  • Period: 320 BCE to 550 BCE

    The Gupta dynasty

    They were able to have Great scholars, amazing Art and Architecture and Campaigns against foreign tribes. The Gupta Empire was considered India’s Golden Age due to mathematics advances, such as the concept of zero, medical remedies, plastic surgery and vaccinations.
  • Period: 268 BCE to 232 BCE

    Reign of Asoka

    He is known for the elevation of Buddhism from a simple Indian sect to a world religion. He sponsored the third Buddhist Council and did much to establish Buddhism. He sent missionaries abroad to spread the Dharma.
  • Period: 262 BCE to 261 BCE

    Battle Of Kalinga

    Asoka was deeply moved by the massacre in this war. The war caused great suffering to the brahmana priests and Buddhist monks, and this in turn brought upon Asoka much grief and remorse. He therefore abandoned the policy of physical occupation in favour of one of cultural conquest.
  • 6 BCE

    Siddartha Gautama founds Buddhism

    Siddartha Gautama founds Buddhism
    It is a religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices. Anyone can enter Nirvana, no matter how lowly, whereas in Hinduism only the brahmins could achieve moksha.