Ancient India Timeline

  • 270

    Ashoka takes power

    In 270 BC Ashoka, Chandragupta's grandson, took power from him. By that time, the Mauryan Empire had stretched southward across the Deccan Plateau
  • 320

    Chandragupta Maurya

    In 320 BC Chandragupta Mautya seized power in India
  • 336

    Darius becomes king

    Darius Codomannus becomes king of Persia
  • 424

    Xerxes II becomes king of Persia

    Xerxes II becomes king of Persia
  • 500

    Sanskrit in written form

    By the sixth century BC Sanskrit was in written form
  • 550

    Persian Empire Expands

    In 500 BC the Persian Empire expanded from the Meediterranean Sea to the Indus River Valley
  • Jan 1, 600

    A new religion

    Zarathustra forms a new religion in Persia
  • Jan 1, 615

    the Medes capture Assyrian cities

    the Medes capture Assyrian cities
  • Jan 1, 626

    The Persians defeat the Scythians

    The Persians defeat the Scythians
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Aryans Arive

    In 1500 BC the aryans arive to the Indus River River Valley.
  • Chess

    in 2000 BC Chess was developed in Persia
  • Bibliography

  • Mauryan Empire ends

    In about 185 BC the Mauryan Empire came to an end
  • Inception of the Persian Empire

    Cyrus takes over Persia
  • Persian Empire Conquers Babylon

  • Darius dies and Xerxes becomes king of Persia

    Darius dies and Xerxes becomes king of Persia