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History and World Beliefs timeline

  • Period: 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE

    British Bronze Age

    The Bronze Age was a historical period lasting from approximately 3300 to 1200 BC. It was characterized by the use of bronze, the use of writing in some areas, and other features of early urban civilization.
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 323 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egypt existed from around 3100 B.C.E. to 332 B.C.E., when it was conquered by the Macedonians.
  • 2400 BCE

    The Pyramid texts

    The Pyramid texts
    From ancient Egypt, these are the oldest known religious texts in the world, dating to between 2400 and 2300 BCE.
  • 2300 BCE

    Birth of Hinduism

    Birth of Hinduism
    The origins of Hinduism are unclear, but most scholars believe it began between 2300 and 1500 BCE in the Indus Valley, near modern-day Pakistan. Some of the earliest known sacred texts of Hinduism, the Vedas, date back to at least 3000 BCE, and some Hindus believe these texts to be of divine origin.
  • 2085 BCE

    Birth of Judaism

    Birth of Judaism
    The world's oldest monotheistic religion, which originated around 2085 B.C.E.. Judaism has an oral tradition that is nearly 4,000 years old.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1500

    The Mayan civilisation

  • Period: 1200 BCE to 323 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greece flourished from around 1200 B.C.E. to 323 B.C.E., the period between the end of the Mycenaean civilization and the death of Alexander the Great.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 43

    British Iron Age

    The Iron Age is conventionally said to begin around 800 BC. At this time, the Britons or Celtic Britons were settled in England.
    The beginning of the Iron Age is when the production of smelted iron (especially steel tools and weapons) replaces bronze.
  • Period: 625 BCE to 476

    Roman Empire

    From its founding in 625 B.C.E. to its fall in 476 C.E., the Roman Empire conquered and integrated dozens of cultures.
  • 560 BCE

    Birth of Buddhism

    Birth of Buddhism
    Originated around 560 B.C.E., when a spiritual teacher known as "the Buddha" founded the religion in India.
  • 30

    Birth of Christianity

    Birth of Christianity
    Christianity began in the 1st century C.E. as a Judaic sect in the Roman province of Judaea, which is now Israel and Palestine. The movement started after the death and resurrection of Jesus, when his disciples spread their faith throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • Period: 43 to 410

    Romans in Britain

    Roman Britain was the territory that became the Roman province of Britannia after the Roman conquest of Britain.
  • Period: 449 to 1065

    Anglo-Saxon Britain

  • Period: 1066 to 1215

    Norman Britain

  • Period: 1216 to 1484

    Plantagenet period

  • 1380

    Birth of Humanism

    Birth of Humanism
    Humanism is generally considered to have begun in Italy in the late 14th century, though it is based on ideas of the Ancient Greeks from over 2400 years ago. Humanism began as a major intellectual movement during the Renaissance and spread to the rest of Europe in the mid-15th century. By the 16th century, it was the dominant intellectual movement in Europe. Humanism study emphasises scientific research. Humanists reject the idea or belief in a supernatural being such as God.
  • 1469

    Birth of Sikhism

    Birth of Sikhism
    The Sikh religion is one of the youngest major world religions and was founded in Punjab, North India, by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, in response to a spiritual revelation. Guru Nanak and his nine successors are known as 'gurus', which is a term for a spiritual guide or teacher.
  • Period: 1485 to

    Tudor period

    In England and Wales, the Tudor period occurred between 1485 and 1603, including the Elizabethan era during the reign of Elizabeth I. The Tudor period coincides with the dynasty of the House of Tudor in England, which began with the reign of Henry VII.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabethan era

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    Stuart period

  • Birth of Islam

    Birth of Islam
    Islam is believed to have started in 610 C.E., making it the young of the major world religions. According to Muslims, this is when the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel. The revelation took place while Muhammad was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira, an event known as Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power. During this encounter, Gabriel revealed the first verses of the Qur'an to Muhammad, which Muslims believe are the direct words of Allah.
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    Georgian era

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    The Victorian Era

    The Victorian era was the reign of Queen Victoria, from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
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    Edwardian era

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    World War I

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    World War II