ancient Greek timeline

By nasiyah
  • Period: 776 BCE to 750 BCE

    the first Olympic games take place

    it was originally a festival held in honor for Zeus when the Greeks gave them a mythological origin.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 550 BCE

    homer composes the odyssey

    the second of the two epic poems attributed the the ancient Greek poet which is Homer.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 490 BCE

    democracy begins in athens

    Cleisthenes (the leader of Athens) introduced a system of reforms that were political which he called demokratia, which also meant “rule by the people”.
  • Period: 490 BCE to 480 BCE

    battle of marathon

    this battle began during the first Persian invasion of Greece which was 490 BC.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 450 BCE

    battle of salamis- the Greeks defeat Persian invaders

    in between the island of Salamis and the Athenian port-city of Piraeus, the Greeks defeated a much larger Persian naval forces.
  • Period: 450 BCE to 440 BCE

    athens takes control of an empire

    the city Athens increased in wealth and power since he Athenians moved their treasury to the Athens.
  • Period: 440 BCE to 432 BCE

    the Greek plays are performed in Athens

    the were festivals held for celebrating their gods which was also known as a theater.
  • Period: 432 BCE to 431 BCE

    Parthenon is finished in Athens

    The Parthenon is a marble temple which is resplendent.the Parthenon sits on top of temples known as Athens.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    war between Athens and Sparta

    the war when the Delian League ( which was led by Athens ) was against the Peloponnesian League( which was led by Sparta ).
  • Period: 404 BCE to 146 BCE

    Greece is conquered by Rome

    The Greeks finally got defeated when they were at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC. Rome destroyed the city of Corinth and from that point onward, Greece was ruled by Rome.
  • Period: 336 BCE to 146 BCE

    Alexander the great conquers all

    Alexander ruled a expansive empire and he was a solider. while Alexander was fighting Persia, he conquered Egypt.