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Ancient Greek Timeline

  • 200

    Roman Victory over Greece

    Roman Victory over Greece
    200 - 196 BC: First Roman victory over Greece.
  • 224

    Earthquake hits Greece

    Earthquake hits Greece
    Earthquake destroys the Colossus of Rhodes.
  • 323

    Alexander the Great dies

    Alexander the Great dies
    Alexander the Great dies at Babylon.
  • 323

    Hellenistic Period

    Hellenistic Period
    323 -31 BC: The Hellenistic Period.
  • 333

    Alexander and the persians

    Alexander and the persians
    Alexander the Great defeats the Persians at Issus and is given Egypt by the Persian Satrap where he builds a capital at Alexandria and founds the great library.
  • 356

    Alexander the great

    Alexander the great
    Alexander the Great, son of King Philip II, is born
  • 420

    Temple Construction

    Temple Construction
    The construction of the Temple of Athena Nike occured during 420-410 BC
  • 430

    Bubonic Plaque

    Bubonic Plaque
    The outbreak of the Bubonic Plaque occured in this year.
  • 431

    The second part of the war

    The second part of the war
    The second part of the peloponnesian war restarted.
  • 441


    Euripides writes his first ever tragedy.
  • 443


    Pericles takes control and leads Athens. 443-429 BC.
  • 461

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    461-446 Bc was when the Peloponnesian War began between Athens and Sparta.
  • 505


    Cleisthenes introduces democracy in ancient Athens.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Greek coins

    Greek coins
    The new Greek coin currency was introduced.
  • Jan 1, 621

    Draco's Law

    Draco's Law
    Draco's new law was introduced to the Greeks.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Rise of the tyrants

    Rise of the tyrants
    The Greek tyrants rose in this year.
  • Jan 1, 730

    Messenian War

    Messenian War
    The first Messenian War started and the Spartans conquer southwest Peloponnesia and occured for 730-710 BC.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Homer writes a letter

    Homer writes a letter
    Homer writes a letter about the Iliad and the Odyssey in 750-700 BC.
  • Jan 1, 776

    Olympic Games

    Olympic Games
    The first ever olympic games were held in greece.
  • Jan 1, 1050

    The dark ages

    The dark ages
    The dark ages of Greece and the fall of the Mycenean culture occured in 1050-750 BC.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The trojan war and the destruction of Troy began in 1200 BC
  • The Roman General

    The Roman General
    The Roman General Sulla captures Athens.
  • General Sulla captures Athens.

    General Sulla captures Athens.
    The Roman General Sulla captures Athens.
  • The classical period

    The classical period
    In 500-323 BC the Greeks had their classical period.
  • Greek alphabet

    Greek alphabet
    The development of the first ever greek alphabet was made in 850-700 BC
  • Wars

    The Greek and Persian Wars were led by Xerxes.
  • Tragedy letter

    Tragedy letter
    Sophocles writes his first letter about tragedy.
  • Construction of 2 landmarks

    Construction of 2 landmarks
    449-432 BC waswhen the construction of the Parthenon and the Acropolis started and finished in Athens.
  • Socrates is executed

    Socrates is executed
    In 399 BC socrates was excecuted for his opposition to the thirty tyrants.
  • Plato

    Plato Claims The academy.
  • Aristotle

    This is the year that Aristotle was born.
  • Phillip II

    Phillip II
    Philip II becomes the king of the Greeks.
  • King Philip V

    King Philip V
    King Philip V of Greece loses to Roman forces at Kynoskephalai.
  • Minoan Civilisation

    Minoan Civilisation
    This was the year that the Minoan Civilisation started.
  • The Bronze Age

    The Bronze Age
    2900-2000 BC: The Bronze Age when Early Aegean cultures, started to emerge.