Period: 800 BCE to 700 BCE
Homer writes the Odyssey and Iliad
In 800-700 homer writes the Iliad and Odyssey. The Odyssey is about the story of the hero, Odysseus,and his journey. The Iliad is about the Trojan war. These were very important because they inspired others to write. These helped historians learn about Ancient Greece and their beliefs and the trojan war. -
Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
Persian Wars
In 499 BC Persia invaded Greece and started the war called Marathon. This was the first battle of the Persian war that Greece won. Greece ended up winning all the battles and defeated Persia in 449 BC. he leader of Persia at this time was Darius and he vowed to defeat Athens. This is important because Persia did not conquer Greece. When Greece won Persia never threatened Greece again. After Persia was defeated and Athens won this leads to Athens “golden age,” when Athens was very wealthy. -
Period: 469 BCE to 399 BCE
Socrates was alive from 469 to 399 BC. He taught by asking questions and denied knowing answers to questions. Socrates rarely ever spoke his opinions but rather helped others think through their thoughts. He and his students questioned the purpose of philosophy. Socrates is important because his passion for asking many questions inspired the development of logic and ethics to this day. -
Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE
Pericles leader of Athens.
In 461 - 429 BC is when Pericles became leader in Athens. Pericles became leader during Athens golden age. The golden age was in between the Persian wars and the Peloponnesian wars, during a time of peace.It is important that Pericles became leader because he increased democracy, created a strong navy, and made athens beautiful. When Pericles increased democracy that affected the fact that the US, and other countries use democracy today because that gave them the idea to use democracy also. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian war started in 431 BC. This was a war between Athens and Sparta. The plague broke out in Athens killing ⅓ of the population. In 404 BC Sparta won and left Athens bankrupt. This is important because after the war the city-states were very weak. Also Athens defeat was one of the worst war casualties and left Greeces military strength very weak and Greece was later brought to its final defeat. -
Period: 427 BCE to 347 BCE
Plato was alive from 427 to 347 BC. Plato was a student of Socrates and learned a lot from him. Plato wrote a book called “Republic” and he started his own Academy. He believed that the smartest people should govern society. He wanted children to exceed and work to apply their knowledge. Plato is important because he had ideas that affect our lives today. -
Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE
Aristotle lived from 384 to 322 BC. Aristotle was a scientist that believed in logic and reason. He was born in Macedonia and studied at Plato’s academy. Later he opened his own school with a selection of astronomy, zoology, physics, anatomy, and more. Aristotle is important because he encouraged scientific knowledge and wrote many books with lots of knowledge. -
Period: 365 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the great
Alexander the great was born in 356 and died in 323 BC. Alexander accomplished many things such as conquering land and winning wars. Although Alexander did some great things he did not treat his soldiers right. Eventually the soldiers were tired of it and rebelled. Alexander is important because he was one of the greatest strategists and military leaders in history. [https://kids.britannica.com/scholars/article/Alexander-the-Great/106078](http://www.timetoast.com)