Ancient Greece timeline

  • 500 BCE

    Democracy begins in Athens

    In 500 BCE Cleisthenes the new ruler of Athens at the time thought that the aristocrats had too much influence on the government and he was going to change that, so by calling the people

    Together he was able to overthrow the aristocracy. This was the first democracy ever and it influenced many governments.
  • 490 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars were a series of three battles in 490-479 BCE, Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis; the battles were named after the locations where they took place. The persian wars happened because the persians wanted revenge after the athenians helped one of their colonies.This battle liberated the Greeks and led Athens to becomes powerful.
  • 478 BCE

    Delian League was created

    After the Persian wars between the Greeks and Persians. Then Athens created the Delian league in 478 BCE to provide common defense between Greek city states against the Persian Empire incase of another attack. Over time the Athenians became more powerful and the Spartans were tired of taxes and fees. The Spartans counteracted them and created a feud, leading to the Peloponnesian war.
  • 461 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    After the Persian wars in 461 BCE Athens became wealthy and powerful as the leaders of the Delian league. During this time Athens was being ruled by Pericles. He made Athens beautiful and created the Parthenon and the strongest navy. This era invented different types of art,theater and architecture changing and influencing others. This can be seen in our architecture today and the thing that we watch for entertainment.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian war was a war between Athens and Sparta in a city state in athens because the athenians were becoming too powerful, so the Spartans brought a plague through the Athenians walls and won the war. The war started in 431 BCE and ended in 404 BCE. After the war between the two; it led both forces to become weak and led them to being conquered by Philip II of Macedonia.
  • 360 BCE

    King Philip II of Macedonia conquers Greece

    In 360 BCE after the peloponnesian wars King philip II of Macedonia takes over Athens,Sparta and all of Greece. After the Peloponnesian war both athens and sparta were weak and didn't have time to recover, so King Philip II of Macedonia took advantage of the situation and conquered them and all of Greece. This led to the hellenistic era with all of the past empires under one rule and the hellenistic culture with all the cultures blending.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great dies

    In 323 BCE Alexander the Great died from an unknown sickness around the age of 30 in Babylon. Scientists are not sure of what he died from but there are suspicions that he was poisoned. Immediately after the death of Alexander the Great the Hellenistic era started.
  • 323 BCE

    The Beginning of the Hellenistic Era

    The hellenistic era started in 323 BCE, after the death of Alexander the great. The people that were involved in this were the Greeks, Persians, Egyptians and Indians. During this period Greek and eastern culture merged, because before Alexander died he conquered the last place that were taken by macedonia, bringing them together.This spread many ideas, influenced many and formed great scientists and philosophers.