
Ancient Greece Timeline

  • 334

    Alexander Conquered the Persians

    Alexander Conquered the Persians
    He led 50,000 soliders across the Hellespant into Anatolia using the Persian Royal Road. His army of 40,000 men rushed on to defeat Persia. After a hard battle, Alexander had found the way to the back of the Persian army by using the captured soldiers. The Persians had finally been conquered.
  • 421

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    First, the Athens food supply was burned. Eventually, the Peloponnesians and the Greeks both signed a peace treaty. Howere, more fighting ensued in 415 BC, when Athenians sent a huge fleet carrying more than 20,000 soliders into Sicily.The Athenians were badly defeated in 413 B.C.
  • 470

    Athens Golden Age

    Athens Golden Age
    Pericles had popular support for 32 years. He was a wise and able statesman. He created a much stronger democracy. In fact, it grew so large it reached 200 city-states.
  • 500

    Cleisthenes Takes Power in Athens

    Cleisthenes Takes Power in Athens
    This leader divided citizens into ten groups based on where they lived, instead of how much money they had. he also decided that all citizens could submit laws that could be up for debate and passage. He created the Council of 500, the group responsible for running the daily affairs of/in the city.
  • Mar 27, 602

    Persian Wars- Persians Conquer Anatolia

    Persian Wars- Persians Conquer Anatolia
    This is where the Persian Wars started. When the Persians conquered the area where the Greeks had been setteled, the Greeks revolted against them, and Athens sent in soldiers to aid the Greek. After the Persians defeated them, they vowed to set out in revenge for Athens.
  • May 30, 621

    Draco Takes Power in Athens

    Draco Takes Power in Athens
    Draco, a wealthy nobleman takes over; "he developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athenians, rich and poor, were equal under law," (World History, 128).
  • Feb 28, 725

    Sparta Dominates the Messinians

    Sparta Dominates the Messinians
    Sparta conquers Messenia and Messenians become helots, (peasants forced to work and stay on their land). Sick of being under such harsh rule, they revolted and the Spartans were out numbered 8:1. Realizing their vulnerability, they decided to make themselves a strong city-state.
  • Apr 28, 750

    Homer Wrote his Epics

    Homer Wrote his Epics
    A blind man wrote epics, (a poem following a very strict format,) of heroic deeds. He was considered to be one of the greatest story-tellers of all time. He wrote many popular pieces of literature such as The Illiad, The Oddessey, etc.
  • Mar 27, 1200

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    The Mycenaens fought a brutal war against Troy. This decade-long event occured because "a greek army besieged and destroyed Troy because a Trojan prince had kidnapped Helen, the beautiful wife of a Greek king," (World History, 125).
  • Solon Takes Power in Athens

    Solon Takes Power in Athens
    Solon outlawed debt slavery. He also organized people into four classes based on their wealth. Only the second, third, and fourth classes (from the top; i.e. fourth class being the richest) could hold political office. However, any citizen could bring up charges agains wrongdoers.
  • Persian Wars: Marathon

    Persian Wars: Marathon
    This was the first Persian intrusion fought between Athens and the Persians, led by Datis and Artaphernes. This first invasion was because of the Greeks had sent aid (soldiers and weapons) to the Ionians in the Ionian revolt. The Persians were not successful in taking down Greece.
  • Thermopylae and Salamis

    Thermopylae and Salamis
    Darius the Great's son and Xeres, both Persian, assembled an enormous invasion force to crush Athens and Greece. Greeks were badly out numbered. About 7,000 Greeks and 300 Spartans blocked Xeres' way. After, a brutal seven day battle, all Spartans were killed. Xeres had successfully invaded Greece.
  • Delian League Forms

    Delian League Forms
    It took its name from Delos, the island in the Aegean. League members had continued to press war against Persians for several years. This league eventually drove the threatening and violent Persians from the terroritoies surronding Greece. Threats of future attacks were then ended.
  • Phillip of Macedonia Takes Control of Greece

    Phillip of Macedonia Takes Control of Greece
    Phillip II became king of Macedonia. He was only 23 years old. He was responsible for having transormed the rugged peasants that lived there. He had planned to invade Persia but he was killed in 336 B.C.
  • The Minoan Civilization

    The Minoan Civilization
    The Minoans were very influencial to the Mycenian culture in the Mediterranean world. They ispried many art, learning, and culture aspects to the other civilizations surrounding them.