
Ancient Greece Timeline

  • 334

    Alexander Conquers the Persians

    Alexander Conquers the Persians
    Alexander was only 20 when he became King. He was taught by Aristotle. In 334 BC he led 35,000 soldiers into Anatolia and smashed through Persian defenses. In 332 he marched into Egypt and they welcomed him as liberator. In 326 Alexander and his army reached Indus Valley. After 11 treachorous years, they marched back home. At age 32 he became severely ill with a fever and died.
  • 431

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    The battles of the Peloponnesian War were Spartalos (Spartan Victory), Sphacteria (Athenian Victory), Delium (Spartan Victory), Amphipolia (Spartan Victory, Mantinea (Spartan Victory), Syracuse(Spartan Victory), Cynossema (Athenian Victory), Cyzicus(Athrnian Victory), Notium (Spartan Victory), Arginosae Islands (Athenian Victory), and Aegospotami (Spartan Victory).
  • 477

    Athens Golden Age and the Rule of Pericles

    Athens Golden Age and the Rule of Pericles
    During the Golden Age Athens experienced a growth in drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science. Pericles led Athens for much of its Golden Age. He had popular support for 32 years. He was a skillful politician, inspiring speaker, and respected general.
  • 500

    Cleisthenes Takes Control in Athens

    Cleisthenes Takes Control in Athens
    Cleisthenes broke up the power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived and not by wealth.
  • 546

    Persian Wars- Persians Conquer Anatolia

    Persian Wars- Persians Conquer Anatolia
    Persians conquered the area after the Greeks had long settled there. The Ionaian Greeks revolted, and Athens sent ships and soldiers to aid. Persian King Darius defeated the rebels and vowed to destroy Athens.
  • Jan 1, 624

    Draco takes Power in Athens

    Draco takes Power in Athens
    Draco was a nobleman that developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athens were the same whether rich or poor. He published the first Athenian law code, famously known for its harsh penalties.
  • Jan 1, 725

    Sparta Dominates Messinians

    Sparta Dominates Messinians
    Sparta conquered the neighboring region of Messenia and took over. The Messenians were forced to stay on the land they worked. Each year the Spartans demanded 1/2 of their crops.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Homer writes his Epics

    Homer writes his Epics
    Homer was a blind storyteller. The epics were his narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. One of his most famous epics was the Iliad, which was about the Trojan War.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Trojan War Video Mycencleans fought a ten year battle against Troy. A Greek army destroyed Troy because the Trojan prince kidnapped them.
  • Period: to

    Ancient Greece

  • Solon Takes Power in Athens

    Solon Takes Power in Athens
    Solon stated that no citizen should own another citizen. He also oranized Athenian citizens into four social groups by wealth.
  • Persian Wars: Marathon

    Persian Wars:  Marathon
    A Persian fleet carried 25,000 men and landed on a plain called the Marathon. 10,000 Athenians awaited them. Greek soldiers charged. After several hours, the Persians left and had lost 2,000 men. The Greeks had only lost under 200 men.
  • Persians Wars: Thermopylae and Salamis

    Persians Wars:  Thermopylae and Salamis
    Xerxes assembled an enormous invasion to crush Athens. The Greeks stopped their advance for three days. Thermopylae had the citizens of Athens evacuate and positioned the fleet near the island Salamis. Xerxes was then defeated.
  • Delian League Forms

    Delian League Forms
    Several Greek city-states formed an alliance. League members continued to press war against the Persians for several years. They drove the Persians from territories surrounding Greece.
  • Phillip Macedonia takes Control of Greece

    Phillip Macedonia takes Control of Greece
    Philip became King of Macedonia in 359 BC. He transformed rugged peasants into a professional army. He organized his troops into phalanxes of 16 men across and 16 men deep. He used this to break enemy lines. The Macedonians soundly defeated Greece in the battle of Chaeronea.
  • Minoans Develop Civilization on the Island of Crete

    Minoans Develop Civilization on the Island of Crete
    The Minoans settled in Crete in around 3000 BC. The first sites on Crete consisted of single farmsteads, dispersed farming villages, and nearby cemetaries.