Period: 100 to Jul 30, 1200
Ancient Greece
Alexander The Great Dies
The death of Alexander the great happened in 323 BC he died age 33 -
Alexander The Great was born
Alexander the Great was born, he was the king of Macedon a Greek city state in northern ancient Greece -
Peloponessian War Ended
The Peloponesian war ended after 27 Years -
Plauge of Athens broke out
The plauge of Athens broke out during the first year of the Peloponnesian War, it was belived that it entered via the main shipping port -
Peloponnesian War Began
The Peloponnesian War against the Peloponnesian Leauge (Led by Sparta) began -
Achaic Period ends
The Archaic Period comes to an end -
Classical Period Begins
The classical period of Greece begins -
Aug 2, 650
Lelantine War Ends
The first greek war came to a close -
Aug 2, 710
Lelantine War Began
The Lelantine War was the earliest documented war that greeks participated in -
Jan 1, 1200
Beginning of the dark ages 1200 BC
This was when the dark ages of greece begun and Greece slowly started to form as a city state -
End of the dark ages 800 BC
This was when the dark ages of Greece were overcome and they moved on to a new era -
Parthenon Completed
The building of the Parthenon was completed after 9 years of construction -
Archaic Period Begins
This was when the archaic period of Greece begun after they had moved on from the early Dark Ages -
Battle Of Salamis
This was a battle between the Greek city states and the Persian Empire during the Pursian invasion -
Battle of Marathon
This battle took place during the first ever invasion of Greece by the Persians -
Battle of Thermopylae
This was another battle between the Persians but this time it was just Sparta and the army was led by General Leonidas who became victorious in battle