3000 BCE
The Minoan
The Minoan civilization was a Bronze Age culture which was centered on the island of Crete. -
1400 BCE
The Mycenaeans
Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the Bronze Age in Ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately 1750 to 1050 BC.
They introduce the writing. -
1200 BCE
Dark ages
The Greek Dark Ages was the period of Greek history from the end of the Mycenaean palatial civilization, around 1100 BC, to the beginning of the Archaic age, around 750 BC. -
1100 BCE
The Dorians
They lived in northern Greece. The Dark Age began with the Dorians, because it was a period of economic, cultural and writing decline. -
776 BCE
Olympic Games
The ancient Olympic Games, started in Olympia, Greece, and recurred every four years. These games were a religious honor to Zeus. -
776 BCE
The Archaic period
Greeks started living in polis or city-states. People worked in agriculture and commerce. Ruled by its oligarchy. Tyranny and democracy systems were invented. -
775 BCE
Filosofía griega
La filosofía griega, desarrollada por los filósofos desde Tales de Mileto hasta Aristóteles, es fundamental en la historia del pensamiento. Hubo tres períodos:
Helénicos -
495 BCE
Pericles, líder influyente de la Antigua Grecia, desarrolló la democracia ateniense y embelleció Atenas con monumentos como el Partenón. También fue un exitoso líder militar en la Guerra del Peloponeso. -
492 BCE
Guerras Persas
Enfrentamientos entre los griegos y el Imperio Persa. -
490 BCE
The Classical period
Athens and Sparta became the most important cities.
The Classical Period of Greek spanned from the Persian Wars in the early fifth century B.C. to Alexander the Great’s death in 323 B.C. It was marked by conflict, cultural achievements, and the birth of democracy. -
459 BCE
Guerras del Peloponeso
Lucha entre Atenas y Esparta, afectando a todo el mundo griego. -
394 BCE
Guerras Corintias
En las que lucharon Esparta contra una unión de cuatro grandes estados (Tebas, Atenas, Corinto y Argos). -
356 BCE
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, born in Pella, Macedonia, became king when his father’s death. He conquered most of the known world, including the Persian Empire and parts of India. -
334 BCE
The Hellenistic period
The Hellenistic period in ancient Greece lasted from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. until 31 B.C., when Roman troops conquered the last of the territories he once ruled. It marked the spread of Greek ideas and culture across the Eastern Mediterranean to Asia.