Ancient Greece

  • 343

    Aristotle was hired to teach Alexander 343BC

  • 350

    Macedonians invaded 350BC

    The Geek city-states were unable to defend themselves when teh Maedonians invaded.
  • 404

    Athens surrendered 404BC

  • 413

    Athens was defeated in Sicily

  • 415

    Athens attacked Sicily 415 BC

  • 421

    Athens and Sparta Truce 421 BC

    Athens and Sparta signed a truce
  • 429

    Plague typhus 429BC

    Weakened Athens by killing 1/3 of its population
  • 431

    Sparta declared war on Athens 431BC

  • 431

    Peloponnesian War 431-404BC

  • 461

    Pericles and the Golden Age 461-429BC

    He dominated the life of Athens and caused the Golden age.
  • 479

    Battle of Plataea 479BC

  • 480

    Xerxes's army

    Darius the Great's son and succesor, Xerxes assumbled an enormous invasion force to crush Athens.
  • 480

    Battle of Salamis 480BC

  • 480

    Battle of Thermopylae 480BC

  • 490

    Persian Fleet 490BC

    Persian fleet carried 25,000 men across the Aegean Sea and landed northeast of Athens on a plain called Marathon.
  • 490

    Battle of Marathon 490BC

  • 492

    Persian War began 492BC

  • 500

    Democracy began

  • 546

    Persians conquered greece 546BC

  • 594

    Solon came to power 594BC

    Solon came to power and abolished debt slavery and seperaed the people into 4 groups under wealth and 3 of the 4 had voting rights.
  • 594


    Had been practiced in Athens even prior to this date
  • Mar 22, 621

    Draco the Noblemen 621BC

    Noblemen named Draco said all people were equal under the law. Made death sentences and upheld debt slavery.
  • Mar 22, 725

    Sparta conquered surrounding land 725BC