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Ancient Greece

  • Minoan Civilization

    Minoan Civilization
    Circa 2000 BC
    Minoan civilization starts to thrive in the island of Crete. They originally weren't considered Greek, but later they became and influenced Greek culture.
  • Volcanic Eruption

    Volcanic Eruption
    Circa 1600 BC
    A huge volcanic eruption, earthquake, and tsunami north of Crete ends the Minoan civilization.
  • Mycenae

    Circa 1400 BC
    The civilization of Mycenae thrives from mainland Greece to the island of Crete. The Myceneans started to settle in the lands that the Minoans once lived in.
  • Mycenae falls

    Mycenae falls
    Circa 1200 BC
    During 1200 BC northern european invaders came and swept into Greece. At the same time, many earthquakes were destroying mos to the cities.
  • Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    Circa 1200 BC
    Around the same time that Mycenae crumbled, the Dark Ages began. Duing this 300 year period, there were no records, texts, or documents written.
  • Homer

    Homer, one of the greatest poets of all time is born. Historians don't know much about him, only that he was blind.
  • CIty-States Form

    CIty-States Form
    When the Dark Ages ended, city-states all over Greece began to form. Among the most famous were Athens and Sparta
  • The Oligarchy

    The Oligarchy
    Circa 900 BC
    The oligarchy takes power in Greece. The oligarchy (which means rule by a few) was ruled by aristocrats.
  • The Classical Age

    The Classical Age
    Circa 900 BC
    Aroun the same tim that city sattes were rising, the Classical Era began. During this timemany improvements were made.
  • Oligarchy overthrown

    Oligarchy overthrown
    Circa 550 BC
    After a very hated rule the oligachy is finally overthrown by a man named Peisistratus. Peisistratus later established a new government, tyranny, which means rule by a person.
  • Democracy is born

    Democracy is born
    Circa 500 BC
    Tyranny is overthrown and democracy is born. Democracy is the government where you have the right to say what you wnat and do what you want. (With limitations of course.)
  • Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    Circa 430 BC
    A war between Sparta and Athens begins. The Spartans won, but they spared the Athenians because they had respect for them.
  • Persian war

    Persian war
    CIrca 500 BC
    Shorlty before they started fighting each other, Athens and Sparta joined to defend Greece from the invading Persians.
  • Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Circa 300 BC
    Alexander was the sonn of Macedon king Philip II. When Philip died, people expected alot from Alexander,since his father was a great leader. Alexander turned out to be a better leader than his father, conquering lands from Egypt to India.
  • End of Democracy

    End of Democracy
    Circa 330 BC
    Alexander and his army conquer Athens, and yes,they end democracy.
  • Alexander's death

    Alexander's death
    Circa 320 BC
    Back on his march home, Alexander visited the city of Babylon. During his stay, he had many drunken fits, and eventually died.
  • End of Greece

    End of Greece
    Greece was an extremely important cicilization to history. But in 30 BC, when the Romans rose, they were able to conquer Greece with ease. The Romans adopted their ideas, but their thinkers and philosophers were neveras wise as the Greek ones.