Ancient Greece Archaic Period

By flinnke
  • Period: 800 BCE to 500 BCE

    Colonisation of the Mediterranean and Black Seas

  • Period: 800 BCE to 700 BCE

    Homer writes Iliad and Odyssey

  • Period: 800 BCE to 480 BCE

    Archaic Period

  • 776 BCE

    Olympic Games Began

  • 750 BCE

    Greek Colonies Established in Italy and Sicily

  • 750 BCE

    Greek Alphabet Used for the First Time

  • 743 BCE

    First Messenian War Begins

    War between Messenia and Sparta triggered by a Messenian Olympian stealing cattle from his Spartan landlord after years of tentions between the city-states
  • 734 BCE

    Polydorus,Ruler of Sparta, Sends Colonists to Italy

  • 725 BCE

    Lelantine War

    Chalcis and Eretria city-states battled over a fertile area of land called the Lelantine Plains for unknown reasons
  • 685 BCE

    Second Messenian War Begins

    War between Messinia and Sparta resulting from a revolt of the Helots in Messinia who invaded Sparta in escaping
  • Period: 645 BCE to 560 BCE

    Spartan Wars with Tegea

    All were unsuccessful for the Spartans
  • 622 BCE

    Laws of Draco Implemented

    Harsh laws beginning a drastic change in society, noted for their severity in imposing heavy punishment
  • 594 BCE

    Changes Brought on By Solon

    Changes society to be fairer to the lower classes, but without remeving the cause of their low status
  • 570 BCE

    Art and Architecture Begins to Change

    Pottery begins to turn to the now-famous Red-Figure style, stone became more common in buildings
  • Period: 546 BCE to 545 BCE

    Persians Conquest Ionians City-States

  • 515 BCE

    Hippras becomes ruler of Athens

  • 508 BCE

    Clenisthenes improves equality in Athens

    New laws implemented that aristocrats were not given so much privilege and the four major family groups were split into ten. He enforced the first version of democracy.
  • 499 BCE

    Ionians Begin to Rebel Against Persian Rule

  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle against the Persians who attempted to take control of Greece, Greeks were victorious in this battle but lost the overall war.