Ancient Greece

By Kab_01
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 500 BCE

    The Formation of The Greek City States

  • 776 BCE

    The First Ancient Olympic Games

    The First Ancient Olympic Games
    The first Ancient Olympic Games were originally held as part of a religious festival to honor the Greek God Zeus in Olympia.
  • 750 BCE

    Invention of Greek alphabet

    Invention of Greek alphabet
    The Greeks first came up with an alphabet in 750 BC when they adopted the phoenician system.
  • 750 BCE

    Greek colonies established in Southern Italy & Sicily

    Greek colonies established in Southern Italy & Sicily
    In 750 BC the Ancient Greeks established settlements in Sicily and the Italian Peninsula.
  • 743 BCE

    Sparta invades Messenia

    Sparta invades Messenia
    The first Messenian War began in 743 BC when an incident caused them to settle their rivalry on the battlefield.
  • Period: 730 BCE to 710 BCE

    First Messenian War

  • 725 BCE

    Sparta creates a military centred city state

    Sparta creates a military centred city state
    Sparta decides to create a large land based army in 725 BC to stop other empires from invading it.
  • 725 BCE

    Athens creates a strong water based military

    Athens creates a strong water based military
    Athens decided in 725 BC to start creating a strong water based military to protect its empire and islands of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 720 BCE

    Athenians start up mandatory military school

    Athenians start up mandatory military school
    Athens decides to start mandatory military school for its people so that they can be better prepared for war.
  • 685 BCE

    Sparta invades Messenia again

    Sparta invades Messenia again
    The second Messenian War began in 685 BC when a slave rebellion started in Messenia.
  • Period: 640 BCE to 630 BCE

    Second Messenian War

  • 594 BCE

    Solon replaces the Draconian Law in Athens

    Solon replaces the Draconian Law in Athens
    In 594 BC the Draconian Law was replaced in Athens in favour of Solon law that paved the way for democracy in Athens.
  • 507 BCE

    Introduction of Democracy in Athens

    Introduction of Democracy in Athens
    After Draconian Law was replaced and Solon Law was introduced in Athens democracy was slowly introduced in Athens via political reforms called ''rule by the people''.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 490 BCE

    Athens sends aid to help the Spartans fight the Persians

  • 499 BCE

    Ionian Revolt

    Ionian Revolt
    During the Persian War, the Ionians under Perisain rule rose up in rebellion to become free.
  • Period: 497 BCE to 479 BCE

    Persian Wars

  • 494 BCE

    Ionian Revolt defeated by Persians

    Ionian Revolt defeated by Persians
    After 5 years the Persians finaly defeated the Ionian Revolt when the city of Miletus was captured
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon took place in 490 BC during the 1st Persian Invasion of Greece. It was fought by the citizens of Athens and the Persian army.
  • 483 BCE

    Athens begin building naval fleet

    Athens begin building naval fleet
    In an effort to keep the Persians out of Greece Athens decided to build a new powerful fleet to defeat Persia at sea.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    During the second Persian invasion of Greece, the Persian and Greek armies met at Thermopylae. The battle lasted for 3 days and resulted in a Persian victory resulting in the Persians gaining control of Boeotia.
  • 480 BCE

    Persians burn the Acropolis

    Persians burn the Acropolis
    In 480 BC the Persians burned the city of Marathon to the ground as well as the temple of Acropolis.
  • 480 BCE

    Athens and allies defeat Persian fleet at naval battle of Salamis

    Athens and allies defeat Persian fleet at naval battle of Salamis
    Athens new fleet, as well as the other Greek states fleets, took on the Persian fleet. The battle ended up in a massive victory for Athens and its Allies.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 476 BCE

    Victory at the island of Salimis

  • 479 BCE

    Battle of Plataea

    Battle of Plataea
    The battle of Plataea was the last land battle in the Persian invasion of Greece. It took place in near the city of Plataea in Boeotia resulting in a Greek victory.
  • 477 BCE

    Delian League created and lead by Athens

    Delian League created and lead by Athens
    The Delain League was founded in 477 BC to protect the members from Persia in the east. This alliance would evolve into the Athenic Empire
  • Period: 475 BCE to 430 BCE

    Delian League led by Athens

  • 465 BCE

    Revolt against Sparta in Messenia

    Revolt against Sparta in Messenia
    The Meessians tried to rise up again during 465 BC to become free of Spartan rule.
  • 461 BCE

    Start of the Peloponnesian War (1st stage)

    Start of the Peloponnesian War (1st stage)
    After decades of increasing rivialy hostilities broke out between the Delian Leauge and the new Peloponnesian League in 461 BC due to Sparta's growing worries of Athens growing power.
  • Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE

    Building of the Parthenon

  • Period: 460 BCE to 429 BCE

    Athens Golden Era

  • 454 BCE

    Delian league treasury moved from Delos to Athens

    Delian league treasury moved from Delos to Athens
    In 454 BC still during the Peloponnesian War Athens decided to move the tresury of the Delian League from Delos to Athens.
  • 446 BCE

    Thirty-year peace treaty signed between Athens and Sparta

    Thirty-year peace treaty signed between Athens and Sparta
    The 30 years peace treaty was signed in 446 BC. It bought an end to hostilities between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League ended. This also ended the first stage of the war.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War resumes (2nd stage)

    Peloponnesian War resumes (2nd stage)
    Only 15 years after the 30 years peace treaty hostilities broke out again between the Spartans and Athenians. This action violated the terms of the 30 years peace treaty.
  • 430 BCE

    Plague epidemic in Athens

    Plague epidemic in Athens
    During the second stage of the Peloponnesian War, a plague spread through Athens causing death and widespread illness. The Spartans didn't dare attack as they feared their army would die.
  • 421 BCE

    Peace of Nicias

    Peace of Nicias
    After years of fighting both Athens and Sparta were exhausted of fighting and agreed to a peace that effectively ended the second stage of the Peloponnesian War.
  • Period: 420 BCE to 410 BCE

    The construction of the temple of Athena Nike

  • 418 BCE

    Peloponnesian War resumes again

    Peloponnesian War resumes again
    After the peace of Nicia, both Athens and Sparta temporarily stopped fighting although 3 years later hostilities broke out ended any hopes of lasting peace.
  • 418 BCE

    Spartans defeat Athens at Mantinea

    Spartans defeat Athens at Mantinea
    Not long after hostilities broke out between Sparta and Athens there was a major engagement between Sparta and Athens at Manitiea. The battle ended up being won by the Spartans.
  • 404 BCE

    Athens surrenders to Sparta

    Athens surrenders to Sparta
    After decades of fighting Sparta finally defeated Athens and the Delian League. Although the Spartans won neither side never ended up fully recovering from the war.
  • 403 BCE

    Democracy restored in Athens

    Democracy restored in Athens
    After Athens surrendered to Sparta in 404 BC Athens was under the rule of tyrants. After being under their rule for a year democracy was restored in Athens.
  • 395 BCE

    Corinthian War begins

    Corinthian War begins
    During the Spartan-Persian War, the Spartans ended up fighting an alliance of Thebes, Corinth Argos, and Athens. Because this war occurred at the same time as the Persian-Spartan War it made it difficult to win.
  • 387 BCE

    Corinthian War ends

    Corinthian War ends
    After 7 years of fighting Sparta finally defeated Conrith and its allies. Although much like the Peloponnesian Wars Sparta was weakened and its maritime empire ruined.
  • 384 BCE

    Aristotle is born

    Aristotle is born
    After the Corinthian War Artisole was born. He was an important philospher and scientist.
  • 371 BCE

    Sparta defeated in Leuctra

    Sparta defeated in Leuctra
    The battle of Leuctra was fought between the Spartans and Boeotians lead by Thebans.
  • 359 BCE

    Philip II, becomes King of Macedonia

    Philip II, becomes King of Macedonia
    In 359 BC Philip II becomes King of Macedonia. Although he would be eventualy assasinated in 336 BC.
  • 338 BCE

    Macedonian army defeats Athens and its allies at Chaeronea

    Macedonian army defeats Athens and its allies at Chaeronea
    As part of the Macedonian conquest of Greece the Battle of Chaeronea was fought between Athens and Thebes vs Macedonia. The battle resulted in a decisive Macedonian victory effectively ending the war.
  • 338 BCE

    League of Corinth founded

    League of Corinth founded
    The League of Corinth was founded in 338 BC. This league was created by Philip II of Macedonia as a federation of Greek States.
  • 336 BCE

    Phillip II Assassinated.

    Phillip II Assassinated.
    After Macedonias conquest of Greece and Byzantium Philip II was assasinated. Philips death resulteed in Alexander the Great taking control of Macedonia.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander The Great becomes King of Macedonia

    Alexander The Great becomes King of Macedonia
    After Phillips death in 336 BC Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great defeats Persian army at Granicus river in Anatolia

    Alexander the Great defeats Persian army at Granicus river in Anatolia
    After Alexander took control of Macedonia he began his great conquest of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander the Great defeats Persians at Issus

    Alexander the Great defeats Persians at Issus
    After beating the Persians at the Granicus river Alexander continued to defeat the Persians with superior tactics.
  • 332 BCE

    Tyre capitulates to Alexander after siege

    Tyre capitulates to Alexander after siege
    After defeating the Persians at Issus Alexander besieged Tyre. After being besiged type finally cupitulates to Alexander.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander invades Egypt

    Alexander invades Egypt
    After defeating the Persians Alexander begins his next conquest. Alexander decides to invade Egypt before marching towards Afganistan.
  • 331 BCE

    City of Alexander founded in Egypt

    City of Alexander founded in Egypt
    After successfully conquering Egypt Alexander founds the city of Alexandria to celebrate Macedonia and Alexander
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander defeats Persians at Gaugamela

    Alexander defeats Persians at Gaugamela
    After beating Egypt Alexander continues to fight the Persians. Alexander eventually meets the Persian army at Gaugamela
  • 329 BCE

    Alexander's army reaches Bactria (Afghanistan)

    Alexander's army reaches Bactria (Afghanistan)
    Alexander continues his march towards India. In 329 Bc Alexanders army reaches Bactria (Afganistan).
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander marries Roxane (princess of Bactria)

    Alexander marries Roxane (princess of Bactria)
    Alexander then marries princess Roxane of Bactria before marching towards India.
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander's army reaches India

    Alexander's army reaches India
    After leaving Bactria (Afganistan) Alexander army enters India to begin more conquests.
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Death of Alexander the Great
    After bringing greatness to Macedonia Alexander the great died after suffering from a fever in Iraq. His empire was then carved up by his generals and the empire dismatled.
  • 322 BCE

    Aristotle dies

    Aristotle dies
    Ater being a very successful philosopher and scientist Artisole dies of old age.
  • 280 BCE

    Achaean League founded

    Achaean League founded
    After cities in the Achaean region in Greece united into one league. Over the next few years, various other cities in the area joined. Although in 521 BC Sicyon, a city outside the region joined to make the league not just Achaean.
  • 279 BCE

    Invasion of Greece by Gauls

    Invasion of Greece by Gauls
    The Gauls invaded Greece in 279 BC. They committed many atrocities. The Greeks united and fought together to stop the invaders from destroying them all.
  • 238 BCE

    Gauls defeated by King Attalus I

    Gauls defeated by King Attalus I
    After the Gauls continuously tried to destroy them the Greeks finally managed to defeat them and drive them out of Greece.
  • 214 BCE

    First Macedonian War

    First Macedonian War
    When Macedonia made alliances with Roman enemies and attacked the Roman puppet of Illyria it started war. Macedonia had it easier because Rome was preoccupied with Carthage.
  • 204 BCE

    Romans defeat the Macedonians

    Romans defeat the Macedonians
    On rather light terms Rome beat Macedonia and even allowed Macedonia to keep Illyria and its navy.
  • 200 BCE

    Second Macedonian War

    Second Macedonian War
    After Philip allied to other Greek city states and didn't guarantee that it wasn't going to attack Rome the Roman senate voted in favor of a war.
  • 196 BCE

    End of the Second Macedonian War

    End of the Second Macedonian War
    After Macedonia and its allies were defeated a Cynoscephalae in 197 BC Macedonia surrendered. It ended up losing all territory outside Macedonia. It also meant that Macedonia had to pay money to Rome and lose its navy.
  • 172 BCE

    Third Macedonian War

    Third Macedonian War
    Macedonia then made more alliances with other states at the displeasure of Rome which ended up causing the Third Macedonian War.
  • 167 BCE

    Macedonia divided into four republics

    Macedonia divided into four republics
    After the Third Macedonian War ended in 168 BC Rome split Macedonia into 4 puppets.
  • 167 BCE

    Lucius Aemelius Paulus of Rome defeats Perseus of Macedon at Pydna.

    Lucius Aemelius Paulus of Rome defeats Perseus of Macedon at Pydna.
    After fighting Rome for 3 years, the Roman army, and the Macedonian army met at Pydna were Macedonia was easily defeated ending the war.
  • 146 BCE

    Roman Invasion of Greece

    Roman Invasion of Greece
    After having invaded and dealt with Macedonia Rome then turned its eye on Greece.
  • 130 BCE

    Rome rules Greece henceforth

    Rome rules Greece henceforth
    After having dismantled the Archaean League and successfully invading Macedonia and Greece Rome now ruled the Greek Peninsula.
  • 130 BCE

    Mummius Achaicus sacks Corinth and dissolves the Achaean league.

    Mummius Achaicus sacks Corinth and dissolves the Achaean league.
    After a sucessful Roman invasion of Greece Rome decides to dissolve the Achaean League.
  • 86 BCE

    Romans led by Sulla sack Athens

    Romans led by Sulla sack Athens
    The Romans then deal with the last ancient Greek city state Athens. In 86 BC Rome lead by Sulla attacked Athens the last empire of Greece.
  • 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

    Battle of Actium
    During the Roman Civil War, 2 fleets met off the west coast of Greece. The battle resulted in a decisive victory for Octavian.
  • 30 BCE

    Death of Cleopatra

    Death of Cleopatra
    Towards the end of the Roman Civil War Cleopatra committed suicide rather than to fall under Octavian's rule.
  • 30 BCE

    End of Ancient Greece

    End of Ancient Greece
    After the end of the Roman Civil War and the death of Cleopatra and the Roman Republic.